Arachnophobia filter...seriously

Yes! And they had the butt-scissors, didn’t they? Those butt-scissors. OMG. Apparently they’re mating claspers and they never use them on people (the ones in real-life, I mean) but those things are nightmare-inducing.

Had a cat that would bring live mice in the window and drop them in the house. The literal opposite of what we wanted.

But she also killed her fair share and she did it in the most brutal ways. Caught her throwing a live mouse in the air outside one day.

Then she’d pounce it as it tried to reorient and run away. Then throw it again.

Domestic cats are wicked man.

welp, things I didn’t know and will now haunt me lmao.



Those are the kind of gifts that I would either regift or return though.

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Or putting them in a “cage” for them to hunt down later.

Entitled customers, amirite? How dare someone want effort put into existing problems instead of inventing new ones to solve to masquerade as empathetic.

I think Nyctophobes need a toggle for those dark dungeons. Or maybe they can just adjust to the world and realize that the game is warcraft and there are creepy things.

This stuff usually means there is some bad press incoming.


I’m a hobby breeder so I have quite a few. Sometimes a gypsy moth, centipede, spider or earwig wanders into the house. The way many cats cluster around it, taking turns hitting it and biting it, then ignoring it when it doesn’t move anymore, is definitely odd. It gives that Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy feel where there is some greater reason they’re doing it and we as the not-actually-dominant-life-forms, just don’t understand.

Sometimes I imagine them talking in high-pitched alien voices while they’re doing it, saying, “The council has decreed, the punishment given! Nya.” “Nya!” “Nya!”



Honestly, same here. Either that or satanic chanting.


“The sssacrifice!” Bop.

“Yessss! The sacrifice!” Bop.

“On with the ritual!” Bop.


Concern trolling is boring, do you do any other tricks?


We had a farm cat that would bring us whatever he caught in exchange for treats.

Well, mom would take the critter and fling it over the hillside after he brought it (so it wouldn’t stink up the garbage).

Cat figured it out and started grabbing it and bringing it back… we figured it out cause we suspected him of doing it… so we tied a little string on it’s paw and sure enough he brought it back 3 times.

Dang it, Homer… I miss that cat.


We have 4 cats in my house. One morning we woke up and there was smears of blood all over the floor in the kitchen. Like someone took a paint brush to the floor. Somehow a tiny little field mouse got in and our youngest, smallest cat, who we all thought was too gentle and loveable to hurt anything, was sitting with her paw on the dead mouse waiting for us. She growled and hissed at the other cats who came anywhere close to her. That was her mouse. I will never underestimate her again because I know if I die at home she will be the first to eat my eyeballs.



Some of them have two sides. Some legit curl up into yin-yangs.

I, too, miss Bastet (the cat in my story). She was a stone cold killer in the streets and a cuddle bug in the sheets.


Homer wasn’t too big on cuddling but his thing was making biscuits. He loved to just make biscuits.

He hated being picked up until later on then he loved being picked up as he got older. Sadly when I moved out of mom and dad’s house I couldn’t take him with me so he stayed out there with them.

It was for the best anyway cause he wouldn’t have lived well indoors I don’t think. He used the bathroom outside and came in when it was cold / wanted to sleep and was a mouser cat.


Can we turn this in to a cat name thread? My cats are named:

Sir Winston MacGillicutty Wiggy Wiggy the Onest
Pixel Onomatopoeia
Commander Sheppard


Yeah I’ve known that kind of kitty. A bit distant but with their quirky need for a specific kind of interaction. Those are the ones I think I love the most to be honest.

Right now we have a needy little guy, which I also enjoy, but he’s definitely got the killer edge in him any time there has been a pest in the house.


Could they have done it with AI and not even need a real person?