I feel uneasy around pits you can’t see the bottom, even if there is, if there is no strong signs something is there. And that tripophobia stuff, like fear of holes close like beehive. But it’s only really been an issue with AQ and Emerald Nightmare
It is what these people do. They use empathy as a weapon against you. You don’t like it? Well you are a worse person. You are a snowflake. You are pathetic. etc etc.
These people are wholly incapable of having an honest conversation. It is either their way or they will dehumanize you, mock you, and run your name through the mud.
They wish to endlessly play the victim and demand that everyone feel bad for them instead of taking responsibility and change their lives for the better.
and yeah, there’s something about going beyond the intended borders (whether it be falling past a death plane, or going out past the edges of the map) that gives me this sense of dread. It only seems to affect me in WoW and some open-world RPGs like Skyrim (swimming too far away from the northern coast weirds me out there too).
Games like platformers where I know it’s an intended game mechanic to be able to fall in these pits? Zero worries at all. I can play 3d mario games without a second thought. But My first experience with it in WoW was back in vanilla where getting feared could bug your pathing and cause you to clip through the ground and fall beneath the map.
…now that I’ve put it into words, I guess it’s not all to uncommon considering the whole idea of sea serpents and “Here there be Dragons” type of stuff from back in the era of exploration. I just can’t understand why I react that way in a game.
I would doubt it was significant, but it was apparently enough for them to say “Okay, fine. Let’s do the thing.” But I also don’t have the data so I’m just theorizing. Either way, the addition was a non-issue. Making it into a bigger deal than it is, is the actual problem here.
Hell, OW GD Forums threw an absolute fit when the concept of Subtitles be used for solely the banter between heroes and placed in the chat box where it can be toggled on and off was suggested. There are those to this day who truly believe that was the final nail in OW decline and that the company caved to a bunch of carebear snowflakes lol.
probably didn’t take much effort, either. Query which mobs use which models, point to a different model. Maybe some extra logic in there to make sure they scale correctly.
You’re the kind of person who would argue against ramps for people in wheelchairs, aren’t you?
Do you actually not understand the purpose of an arachnophobia filter in an expansion that literally has spiders and spider-like creatures as the primary initial antagonists?
Personally, the presence of this filter doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
Arachnophobia is a common phobia (and, it seems, prevalent amongst some Blizz employees) so, I’m guessing, they’re trying an option to make those who have it less uncomfortable.
Besides, given their aquatic nature, how many people are afraid of crabs?
If we can filter things in to other things can I get a filter to hide other people’s mogs in game so I don’t have to look at their horrible mogs when I play?
Kabourphobia is the fear of crabs and lobsters. Kabourphobia is an extremely rare phobia. it is a very specific type of phobia and sometimes it can also be a part of a bigger phobia called ostraconophobia or the fear crustaceans, shrimps, oysters, clams, crabs, etc
Now about the guy out there who is afraid of both crabs and spiders…