Arachnophobia filter...seriously

How would you fairly adjudicate between a feature for someone with a phobia and someone without? Why do you HAVE to have an equal attention cake for something that you will never be required to interact with? Do you complain when there are only accessibility ramps at stores and no stairs?

What does an arachnophobia filter do to ignore whatever nebulous needs/wants you may have? This is super entitled man. This entire post you wrote is just bad and wrong. Glad that my crippling phobia is just a “pet peeve”.

Toggle it off and forget it exists. Be better.


crab is the end goal

all roads lead to crab
someday our descendants will be crabs, it is part of life’s beautiful and wonderous design


i am afraid of all bugs, but most of all spiders. i have this phobia due to circumstances in my life that have triggered it. interestingly, my phobia has gotten slightly worse over the years. however, i am luck that video game spiders dont activate my fight or flight response.
many different games give me motion sickness. i appreciate settings in video games like turning motion blur off, etc that can ease those headaches for me. in my opinion, this spider to crab filter is the same concept. i appreciate the devs adding this filter. it can only help people. and thats all that matters.

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How did they even come up with the idea for this? Where has anyone been so upset about seeing spiders that it had any significant impact on Blizzards profits?

I’m just trying to imagine how this was even brought up as something to be worked on or added to the game


I’ve already converted to Crabstianity. Crabst is King!


The spider filter is present in lots of games, like a gore filter. And why does there need to be a level of profit gain you find acceptable for a quality of life addition?


I found a reddit post about it from 6 years back in regard to spiders in WoW, another one on a gaming forum about questing somewhere without spider mobs from 2012, another gaming forum had a long post about it in 2008, a Yahoo post from 2006…It looks like people have voiced being upset with spiders going back to vanilla’s launch.

*edit- I forgot a word


Simple business

The development time for this costs money, and I highly doubt there are enough people out there NOT playing wow because of pixelated spiders to offset the cost

I feel like this wasn’t done to actually help people but instead for the meme

How many times do you 1 star a business because the employee wasn’t smiling? A hotel because there wasn’t a mint on your pillow?

Do you do this as well when you see an option for brail menus?


That’s kinda what I was thinking. There can’t possible be some massive group of people boycotting wow out there who would bring in so much money if they could suddenly not see spiders

Questioning means you’re a bad person. Weak argument

Being afraid of pixelated spiders doesn’t fall under ADA laws and accommodations. Unfair comparison

I don’t have issues with spiders but having the ability to turn them into crabs would be cool


No I played, I just avoided them. Now I can no longer worry about it and focus on the game.

You can run your cost analysis if you want, chances are this was not at all a drain or a drag and will make the lives of current and newer players who have this phobia more comfortable at no cost to you.


The original King Kong had a bunch of giant things for him to fight on his island. They had spiders too but it freaked out the audience so much that they kept exclaiming and talking through the rest of the movie. So, they had to cut the spiders out and thank goodness, spiders, yikes!

Just a question, how do you feel about fatigue zones? I ask because i don’t have thalassophobia IRL, but something about seeing the dropoffs at the edge of fatigue zones where there’s no ocean bottom in sight (as well as flying over the literal nothingness between outland continents) makes me really nervous for some reason.

Just curious if anyone else gets this feeling, and I figured someone with thalassophobia might feel something similar.

The remake with Jack Black brought those scenes back, I had to leave the theatre, ugh.

Fear of the unknown is pretty basic human behavior for sure, don’t need thalassophobia to be spooked by that a little.

Spiders, not a real problem for me, as long as they dont do any physical contact. I generally capture Huntsmen in a jar and put them back in the garden to munch on the insects. Heights, equally not a problem, Im one of those weirdos who stands on the glass floors of high areas, look down and go, ooo, look at that!

But enclosed spaces, that’s another story. I couldn’t go into one of our big cave systems here with a bunch of friends, despite it being like a tourist thing with paths and lights. One step inside the entrance and it was, outta here, vamoose, the world pressing down on me. (Its one reason that TWW is concerning me. I really dislike Zaralek, and having to spend an entire expansion underground does not fill me with joy.)

So I get phobias, they are personal, individual things and spiders is one of the big issues for many people. Its kind of Blizz to give players the option. I’ll just use it because, well, crabs. :sunglasses:


Zones like Ardenweald-really- helped with that stuff, having clouds and tree tops. Same with portaling to the bottom of Vash’jr versus flying out then swimming down. :cold_sweat:

Do you think that games that add color blind mode do it for the profit?


agreed, I didnt feel nearly as nervous in Ardenweald as I do in outland, or when i made the flight out to the crab island south of Azure Span. I also appreciate that Blizzard has begun doing the fade-to-black in encounters where you can fall into an abyss (though I wish it would trigger sooner sometimes…)

edit: and yeah, i was very glad to get the portal to TotT this season so i never had to take the whirlpool again. Is it safe to assume you feel the same anxiety i do with this sort of stuff, then? :stuck_out_tongue: