I can’t imagine it would take much dev time to add a toggle and swap assets from spider to crab? lol
And they already have similar tech in toys like the love goggles.
I can’t imagine it would take much dev time to add a toggle and swap assets from spider to crab? lol
And they already have similar tech in toys like the love goggles.
wow you’re so mad
I’ve never made the argument this aid needs to be done, what I’ve argued is what would benefit everyone. What we can do to help. My only memory of saying ‘need’ is our ability to recognize issues has to be more fluid, that’s how we address them.
When a crumb of humanity is offered and a fit is thrown using the ‘why not -everyone-’ argument it sounds a lot like ‘if we can’t fix everything why do anything’. It’s the same argument used in energy efficiency.
Imagine freeing slaves and liberating one camp at a time and someone says ‘are those -other- camps not worth saving, are they not people, unless all camps are freed at the same time this isn’t right.’.
Yeah, sure. Why not? It’s not like it was resource intensive.
Can I get an acrophobia filter then? Or just remove all tall buildings from the game. Thanks.
That, that is what you took from my statement? How far I’ve come? That because I play an MMO I’m better? Life is okay? I play because it allows me the only human contact I would have outside of my wife, my son, and various doctors. It’s super easy to sit here at my desk in the safety of my home where I can freely escape if need be. It’s easy to get on discord or this forum and chat because I don’t have to see you or feel trapped. And, just as a point of clarification PTSD isn’t strictly from being involved in combat. It’s caused by any kind of trauma that becomes so overwhelmingly stressful that it begins to affect a person’s daily life. Where the trauma comes from doesn’t invalidate the person who suffered it.
It’s not coddling or catering to ceaseless whims either. You realize in 1926 Henery Ford adopted the 5 day work week with no loss of pay or benefits to help his overworked employees and increase productivity? Was he coddling those workers ceaseless whims of asking for better working conditions? And what do you know, it actually helped society! You have a very strange outlook on life and the world.
The quest said to free five slaves, so I’m freeing five slaves.
Sorry, Slave #6.
Because you’re letting the existence of an accommodation for someone else that affects you in precisely zero ways melt your chill over the pRiNcIpLe of it. It’s like getting cranky that your neighbor has subtitles on when he watches TV because sometimes he wants to be able to eat popcorn but still hear muttered dialogue instead of just turning up his volume super loud and getting used to it like a man.
Getting bothered to the point of lashing out at people over something that literally only affects you as much as you let it is, I think we can all agree, snowflake behavior, if the requirements for things that exist even peripherally in your environment are so specific that they must apply to everyone.
If you think there should be some way to put in an accommodation for fear of heights, though, feel free to make a suggestion! Maybe they’ll do something about it if enough people agree.
If I had to guess, I’d say that the one quest designer who put it in is probably arachnaphobic or has friends or family who are so it mattered to them enough to do something about it on their own time.
And before the “WELL WHERE DOES IT STOP??” rabble-rabbling starts up again, maybe someone says “I don’t like seeing female models/the color green/humans in the game, I’m afraid of them,” what they do then, is they go, “…yeah sorry you feel that way. We don’t have any plans on the horizon to change that.”
And then the people go, “That’s not FAIR, you changed the SPIDERS?!?”
And they go, “Yeah, we did. But we don’t have plans to change that. Sorry.”
Theeeeee end.
Not that you’re better, but rather that you’re taking steps to move in that direction. I applaud you. The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and you’ve taken a great first step.
Exactly. Again, its a great first step for the reasons you mentioned.
Of course not. I assumed yours was because of you mentioning the military.
I know what PTSD is, thank you.
Henry Ford was a genius. He knew that happy and well rested workers were more productive. He was able to simultaneously increase production and look like the hero without costing himself anything. I assure you, if production had gone down he would have went back to the previous model.
That said, Henry Ford’s management techniques from 1926 have nothing to do with the issue at hand. People need to face adversity to learn how to overcome it. Protecting them too much so we all get the warm fuzzies is only setting them up for failure down the road.
It is, but not combat related. More parachute malfunction related.
I’m sorry that I think people should learn to overcome adversity. Please forgive me for wanting people to have the self-confidence to live their lives to the fullest. The right move is absolutely to cater to them and develop their self doubt so they can be proper shut ins the first time smething actually bad happens in their lives.
I have seen the light. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to campaign for increased production of bubble wrap. There is a lot of concrete in this world and we cannot risk somebody skinning a knee.
Man, a lot of armchair psychiatrists on the forums today.
People heal and deal with their problems in different ways. These settings don’t hurt you and do help other people. So I’m not sure why people are making it so controversial.
Helping a small group vs. Helping a larger group. And also setting bad precedent, by helping one phobia and not others, is what makes it controversial.
There’s an arachnophobia filter in Satisfactory that turns those crazy spider alien creature things into pictures of cats. Not video game cats either, like actual cats, and honestly it’s more terrifying than the spiders. You just see cat heads running around instead lol.
We will see how this continues.
My friend is deathly afraid of birds, can she get a filter too?
This is why you don’t open the door for these things, because there’s no end
They’re called irrational fears for a reason. Let’s not play into them.
By making a world filter where you run around in a white void fighting squares and rectangles. With foam weapons. Warriors will also lose all the blood and gore effects too.
Because its a microcosm of society as a whole. People are taught that instead of overcoming adversity they should whiz and moan until somebody fixes it for them.
I won’t go into details because I don’t want to get banned, but most of the problems people have in their lives is due to never learning to overcome adversity. Stuff like this just reinforces that.
If you’re afraid of video game spiders you’ve prob got bigger issues than a phobia TBH. 1st world zoomie probs for sure.
And sometimes exposure to adversity isn’t the right solution.
My god dude, this doesn’t even affect you.