Arachnophobia filter...seriously

I mean, there was a time when it was supposedly not in the sky at all, so that certainly does make one wonder. It also rings like a bell if hit hard enough. :sweat_smile:

Sounds about right.

“Does TikTok access your wifi?”

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C’mon man keep up, the moon was never “real”. that’s the whole concept of hollow moon. Its a facade.

(also I get that reference)

I said everyone should within reason, and being years behind the curve of this doesn’t show speed.

Like you genuinely sound upset people got a helping hand.

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Oh no! A completely optional thing that doesn’t affect me in anyway and maybe enhances the enjoyment of my fellow player who could be my own guildie, arena partner, M+ crew thus resulting in overall better play performance ultimately benefiting me! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Because it wasn’t finished being built or installed yet in our sky. Some people really expect us to believe some “chunk of the earth” is floating around in space? where’s the hole that chunk came from?

(actually, the hole is now the Atlantic Ocean)

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It’s quite possible that an impact is what produced the moon. I’ve got doubts but I definitely put the chances of that being the case above 0.

You know- real talk here. I am horribly afraid of heights. When looking over a cliff (even in a game or video) I get vertigo. If I watch a skydiving video I will get physically nauseous. Getting on a ladder to change a lightbulb is terrifying.

And you know what I expect form the world? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Its my problem and I don’t expect anyone else to deal with it.

So the people that need a toggle to turn off pixelated spiders aren’t the snowflakes, but I am? I’m the bad guy because I would rather help them learn to overcome their fears instead of enabling them?


Which is fine. If enough people have a problem, I’d hope Blizzard does something about it.

Obviously we can’t cater to every single person’s individual psychological needs, but of enough of a percent of the population has some problem that’s easily solved, then we may as well solve it.

This was really cool and helps me relax

Breh just watching someone climb in a youtube video makes my hands and feet sweat.

But diving down from that peak in Thaldraszus for me is probably the equivalent to skydiving for some others. It’s a safe, predictable, and measurable thrill that I am consciously aware has no risk to me physically.

I don’t know how people can’t frame these things better for themselves.


I think the question is why THIS, why NOW?

People are afraid of ghosts, should they be able to make ghost mobs into marshmallows?


You had to see uphill both ways in the snow?

You didn’t address what I said. You’re doing the exact thing I talked about: Saying it’s a need (should I quote it?) but just brushing off people not getting it, and saying oh progress is slow sorry, while admitting that these model replacements would be pretty easy.


In China undead models are bread!
China’s Strange Alternate World of Warcraft Client

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Listen man, if i wanted to hear LIBERAL PROPAGANDA id be over on the CNN site right now.

(you are correct, however I am dedicated to this bit)

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I am too because I know my theories can be wild and are certainly placed in relation to these things.

But I have enough of a sense of humor to be able to join in on the joke. Plus I think it’s better in the long run to not take any of it too seriously. If we found out that simulation theory was true for example, what would it actually change? Nothing. :slight_smile:

Do they have weapon animations? I doubt it, and that is just one example.

Which btw now that i think about it, would look silly for crabs to hold due to the lack of hands.

What about special attack animations for said skills, like whirlwind which is common for mobs to have?

This isn’t a press a button and your done kinda deal. Animations, programming, art assets would need to be done. And btw, since we are using crabs, that means updating the crab models too.

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To be real here for a second, I strongly believe that alien contact (even positive) destroys society almost over night. Where we all to find out that simulation theory was correct the result would be huge imo.

“If it’s all a simulation why bother with laws? it’s not real” and sadly those people are the ones you wouldn’t want thinking that way.

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You would think that people against the crab filter wouldn’t have such a crab mentality.