Arachnophobia filter...seriously


One of my personal faves is crawfish. Cracking that head off and sucking the brains right out.


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Oh the HUMANITY! :scream:


It looke like it was already cooked like it came from a processed facility that puts shrimp tails on packets or something. but the whole thing supposedly made its way down the assembly lane and was coated all over in cinnamon sugar.

It was a whole fiasco that made the national news for a short bit. kellogs or whatever issues a PR statement about how they’re just clumps of sugar and the OP called them out on it.

It was

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Was it actually for realz though?

There was that lady years back that put the finger of her husband’s co-worker into her Wendy’s chili expecting to get a pay day. She got prison instead.

Then there was the guy that said he got a rat in his KFC. It was just chicken organs.

If it’s not under the banner of equality then I agree with you. If they don’t say one word about anyone needing or deserving it or it being a human right, then I agree with you. But the kicker is, even if Blizz doesn’t, and the population does adopt this mindset, it still counts.

Imagine if you legally protected disabilities, but only protected half of them.

Or imagine if they just did this in game, offering rotation assistance bots to some disabilities, but not others. You get that the ones left up the creek would be worse off, not better off, right?

Being equal is best. Being nice is fine. Favouritism under the banner of equality is downright cruel, because, when you say this type of thing is a human right, then brush off some of them, you’re literally telling those people they’re not human.

I genuinely do want to believe it’s real, I want to believe it so bad but I think they’ve confirmed there was some shenanigans going on.

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Another fun note, the episode “Are you there god, it’s me Dean” about “Testicular Torsion” was due to two of the staff members (with holding their names lol) actually getting it when the show was in the pilot development stages. And Doc felt it was necessary to share with the global audience.


Just reading this gave me sympathy pains so I’m not going to google it.


I can’t link stuff here but a Google search for “cinnamon toast shrimp” it’s right there.

Oh… oh no I know what that is.

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Yeah I guess you are right. Phobias are not rational, your reaction to them is. I almost dragged two guys with me when I found out I had a phobia, so I stay away from large bodies of water, that’s the rational thing to do, right? I suppose it makes sense to stay away from whatever triggers your phobia.

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The studio gave us more than enough info on it, and Billy and his Albino Partner Pete White gave the world probably just as traumatizing descriptions with out even showing lol.


So if some people use the wrong words when doing a good beneficial thing then we should grab our pitchforks? Because there will always be a child upset their half of the cookie is actually 49% we should take the cookie away completely? This just reads like feigned sympathy to harm others to me.

And maybe I am reading completely wrong, but I am happy for others who get the attention they need, it’s better than burning the bridge because we all can’t cross at the same time.


That episode was hilarious. I love that show.

“What the hell are no-nos?”


“Quality of life features are only worth doing if they improve the quality of my life specifically.”


If it’s done under the banner of equality, and it ends up making things less equal rather than more, then yes it’s a bad measure.

If you just want to help someone that’s great. It just can’t come with any implication about human rights, because then, the people who didn’t get it aren’t human. If you discover new rights they should apply to everybody. Yes, immediately. If things can’t be accomplished in reality immediately, the focus should be on people who don’t have the latest human right before even more are discovered.

I actually like the cookie analogy. There should at least be some effort to make progress for everyone. The point I’d say it’s not right is when you’re rushing to open new cookies and just not caring about the people who didn’t get anything from the last one, because there were five of them and it was really hard to break the cookie in 5ths so you just broke it in fourths, and mysteriously the same person is asked to make the sacrifice each time.

Really? Imma change it every so often then. Variety!!

It’s like when I want a different variety of party members, corgi goggles goooo!!!

These are abstract analogies that don’t correlate to a video game option.

“But Sylvan, some people are afraid of this other thing there should be a toggle for that too”

Sure, but you and I both know that you’d still raise a big stink if they added it anyway. so I don’t believe that “equality” is the reason.


Respect for others isn’t pie. Giving some to someone doesn’t mean that it has to be taken from someone else.