Arachnophobia filter...seriously

How did we ever get through Maldraxxus?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Awe! /hug

Well now you know if you try again :slight_smile:

It takes some finess. I’m… ok at water color but not the best at it.

OH there are digital brushes for water color if you wanna give that a try.

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You get satisfaction, but if you have to play with hands partially over your eyes so you don’t SEE the spiders, it makes it really really hard.

(You should have seen me trying to watch Shelob in RotK)

It has taken me nearly a decade to be able to play without cringing or reacting to the spiders. It’s not a choice, it is just what my fracked up brain does.


Speaking solely as a creator here, these can be used as openers for character development; I.E; ensuring your not making a Mary Sue or Marty Stu - so there is a form of relatability, but it shouldn’t be a primary focus point ever, the occasional input to allow said character to appear and feel more grounded while dealing with what the story/plot (A or B) revolves around for said reason, as the story/plot shouldn’t have any focus on the thing either unless absolutely needed; i.e; over coming / facing it head on etc.

Edit for example; Indiana and his fear of Snakes, or his Dad’s fear of Rats. Both mention it, Both find realistic terms to over come it and move forward with the story. Or if utilizing it as a Pro, Bruce Wayne using his fear to enable his thirst for Vengeance… ect ect ect lol.

Though as a creator I am often viewing things from the outside in and with today’s society - it really feels all sides of the isles are trying to bring forth their own 1970s-2005 Satanic Panic to justify their ideals by demonizing everything, no matter how small… just my 2 copper there lol.


or Northrend, or AQ, or lots of other parts of the game

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That’s the fun of a phobia, it literally makes no sense at all. If it made sense, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable fear.

If it’s a filter, can you not just… not turn it on?


If only it were that simple.


Oh I agree. There are new breeds of puritans everywhere. The right’s old style cancel culture might be the left’s latest toy but it’s certainly not a new one and they aren’t the only ones that have used it.

They all gripe about authoritarianism but ultimately just want like-minded authoritarians in charge.


Well, when you put it like that…

(I think how creepy crabs are gets overlooked, frankly. They have much better PR than spiders. But if you actually take the time to look close at them… shudder)

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And people eat them!

Or worse, shrimp! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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What an overdramatic pile of malarkey.

Some people in their own view being able to turn spiders into crabs affects you zero percent. Worry less about the status of other people’s bootstraps, don’t be such a snowflake about it.


You mean sea bugs?

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They’re ocean bugs.
We are eating ocean bugs.


Actually, bugs are land crabs, as the theory is that early arthropods were much more like crabs than they are like bugs.

That’s my “ayaaaackshually” for the day.


They hail from the same common ancestors and to me they’re all crustaceans and crustaceans are just really big bugs


That doesn’t make it sound any better. It’s like when my son told me Rolly Pollys or Pillbugs are just land crustaceans. Didn’t quell my dislike of them.


Rolly Pollys are great. They deal with heavy metal. Some even say they are more metal than Norway or Sweden.


Well I tried! :stuck_out_tongue:

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