Arachnophobia filter...seriously

The year is 2030 and im expecting a 100gb patch of npc toggle filters.

if I come back in The Last Titan and we don’t have that I’m not calling you a liar but I ain’t calling you a truther either.

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I had stated it before, but I will state it again. Your continued need to create strawman arguments, gaslighting attempts, and properly read what I post in an effort to dehumanize and insult me is clear and ever present. You need to stop this projection attempt and actually engage in an honest manner.

From my understanding (based on second hand knowledge from a friend who lives there so it is a possible leg pull as well…), in certain career choices, long as you have the serious passion for it they over look your “foreigner” status even if you are not the absolute best.


You are unbearable…really

Sorry, meant improperly*

Again, thank you for proving my exact points.

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In our society’s quest to eliminate the -isms we have created a culture to where the things surrounding your birth (that you cannot contol) are all the really matters.


God trying to read this back and forth is like watching paint dry.

Actually watching paint dry is more entertaining.


While I personally don’t understand phobias, I do know that by definition they are irrational so they aren’t really meant to be understood, they just are. And if blizzard wants to add something to the game to help some of those people while having zero impact on my own experience, more power to them.

Having said that, I will echo similar sentiments and wonder why one phobia in particular gets all the attention when there are a fair number of common phobias that exist. Darkness, heights, enclosed spaces to name a few. I’m against special treatment and if you aren’t willing to give them all the same consideration, you probably shouldn’t just be singling one out and leaving everyone else out to dry.

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Exactly. Immutable characteristics are used in lieu of having an actual personality. Mental illnesses are used as titles and proudly displayed. It is quite sad and one of the many reasons I left the country.


A bubble might appear and pop leading to a new round of discontent if bubble is popped by a floating string… oh the options that could happen.


The focus on immutable traits as the definers of ability, personality, and value is an unfortunate one.


Oh if I’m painting I make sure there’s no bubbles!

Bubble splatter is just ug ><


My go-to is watching grass grow.


See at least with that you may see the occasional bug


I tried to take a watercolor painting class once. big mistake.

I mean I learned a lot. But the paint drippies were so hard to control. Watercolor is objectively hard. I’d find acrylic to be an easier medium but aesthetically i prefer watercolor


The thing with water color is you gotta go in sections and let a section dry otherwise your paints can muddle if you use too much water or not enough.


I don’t get this mentality, someone got a helping hand and now it’s time to be upset at either the ‘weak’ were aided or none was offered to the one upset. Stuff like this comes in time and waves, progress is slow. We shouldn’t cast care and effort to better the lives of others simply because it wasn’t down flawless from the start.


ya i didn’t do that lol. I turned in a 4 piece series and all 4 pictures got runny and ran off the page. I got a B and cried

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