Arachnophobia filter...seriously

We love the thunder, we love the rain


It makes sense. Blizz has been making a lot of irrational decisions, so this is nothing new.


Once again, I am not stating anything as an “absolute truth”. I am simply giving my opinion. Is there a reason you continue to push strawman arguments?

Same model skeleton is my best guess.

People are moved into other departments all the time if they have nothing to work on. This isn’t new or surprising for anyone familiar with game development.

You joke, but many would be in a much better state if towns were built for walking and less people drove in general.


Anyone ever hear that song “Jolene” and look at a picture of Dolly when she released it and just think to yourself “My God, what did Jolene have going for her?”

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I prefer public transit and walking 100%. (No dark sarcasm in this classroom)

Congratulations- that is the single most absurd strawman I have ever seen. You hung Christmas lights on it and everything. Well done /golfclap

How in the world are you going to try to correlate protecting people from 4000 pounds of steel operated at 80 miles per hour by the general population to protecting people from pixelated spiders?


Fairlight roasted all of you and you don’t even realize it. :laughing:


Since moving to Tokyo about 10 years back, it was insane just how much better life has been being able to get places reasonably without long waits, wasting money on gas, and just being more healthy in general. Night and day difference compared to living in California.


You poor thing.


Bookmarking this and will come back in 5 yrs if the forums aren’t nuked by then

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In retrospect I should have put the thread title as “Arachnophobia filter…(not that) seriously”

I would like a toggle to turn all void elves and blood elves into ugly gnomes.

Yea, it was horrid living there. Oddly enough, as a white man I face far less racism and discrimination in Japan than I ever did in LA.


IIRC, it should be, been ages since I read the book. I just referenced Mel Brooks lol. Even in Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein after the creature… gets some “special attention” from the Doc’s fiancé, I think she calls him “Adam” in the mixed of the motion and I think there is a post card saying To Adam and The Bride at the end when he grudgingly looks through the mail.

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That…doesn’t actually surprise me.


I believe it.


Fairly certain you’re right, because he was Adam as a nod to the Adam of Adam and Eve.

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I’m not pushing a strawman. You have been the most ardent opposition voice to this feature. You have clearly made it a personal mission to make sure everyone sees your PoV on this matter being the most valid one. Like I said, i get it, you don’t like it. You think it was a waste of time. Every single person who has countered your opinion with their own you have dismissed. You won’t even acknowledge that it can be a positive accessibility feature for those who need or want it. And apparently there were enough of those players that Blizz went ahead and had a dev work on it and are implementing it, that again you refuse to acknowledge that fact. Like I said, can’t have a discussion when someone won’t reach a middle ground. I understand what you are trying to convey, but the dismissive way in which you are doing it is off.

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They’re strict on immigration over there but incredibly meritocratic. They do not care what you look like if you’re the best at what you do.