Apply to Join the WoW Community Council in 2024

We’ve opened our application form for the 2024 WoW Community Council.

If you’d like to be considered for the Council group, please fill out and submit the application here by 9:00 a.m. PST January 8, 2024.

Thank you very much!


Is this still going? Good luck to all those that want to do this. I hope you convince them to buff gnomes :smile:


We still have a council?

Is that what the randoms with yellow text are for?


Not gonna lie I sort of forgot about that board other than seeing some Yellow-texts posting here and there in GD

There hasn’t been anything noteworthy posted there in quite some time, or at least it seems that way


No thank you. GL with the project though.

This time I didn’t forget! Please consider me! I’m practically here every day and will funnel ideas to the CC.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


They were discussing adding a weekly lock out to m+ in wow council at one point. Mesa no like those people

I put in again. But I think they might avoid regular posters to a degree since we never shut up. :wink:


True. It’s not like they don’t have an abundance of my input. lol. Still, I’d be willing to communicate anything that gets brought up within reason.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I went ahead and applied. Perhaps my (albeit casual) insights might be of some use.

Not counting on anything, but we shall see.

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I was enthusiastic about it the first time, but it doesn’t look like much attention is paid to them. :confused:


I’m overqualified for this position.


We need to get someone in there that won’t white knight, doesnt have 30k posts and spend more time on the forums than they do playing the actual game.

Please choose REAL players, that can act as REAL voices-- vs a group of sock puppets that just want to throw their anti-social opinions around because someone told them that their dps was too low once upon a time.



But I am not qualified. My opinions come at odds with the rest of the community way too much…

Good luck though everyone

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If you are talking about at odds with the forum then don’t be concerned. I am at odds with the forum most times but I am not at odds with people in the game so this forum isn’t representative of the game.

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How about you grant me the rank of master and I’ll…. Give you a cookie. :wink:

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Whats the point?



While they do post announcements on the forums, the vast vast majority of the Council never use the forums for posting. Something GD actually tends to complain about. Most come from guilds, roleplay groups, discords, small streams, disability groups (deaf players groups), etc.

You will very rarely see one of the 100-ish members of the Council “forum posting”. This is not the community the CMs tend to select from, although a few have been on it.

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I think this is being kind.