If you don't like changes, just play era

theres literally no one playing SoD that wants nochanges as morons keep shouting. these sensitive children take any pushback from unthoughtout changes as oppressing their fun. its just testament to how loony the world has gotten.


If only they had a forum where their community interacts with them. :thinking:

And yet, when someone suggests a change / addition that would have no impact on how the other side plays… “retail is that way”.

That would be nice if they had some interaction, but at the same time, the people posting are the vocal minority / extremists from both sides. Most people don’t post on the forums.

jusr because you fail to see the potential collateral damage doesnt mean it wouldn’t occur. I instantly disqualify a hyperbolic opinion like “no impact”

there is literally no change in the world that has no impact. Now if you had said it will have minimal impact or some impact and discuss the ramifications of that and why its good anyway, you’d have a point. but to say “no impact” means you have not looked at the problem honestly or with any thought whatsoever.

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I can agree with that, but it’s their official forums. I’m sure that a post on Twitter would likely garner more responses, but I feel that is inundated with people who mostly play retail. I would argue that the vocal minority is indicative of those vested in the success of SoD rather than those stemming from retail who don’t care whether if their demands destroy the spirit of Era/SoD.

So I’d take a quality minority over a fickle majority.

I don’t enjoy retail at the moment and tried out SoD because it was closer to what I was looking for from WoW - at least in theory. I played Vanilla WoW back in the day and SoD brings back the good and bad things. Unfortunately, for me, the bad stands out a lot more in my own experience.

The good:

  • Less ability bloat
  • Well-defined roles
  • Less CC
  • Slower pacing
  • Runes - depending on balance issues, these can be a fun change of pace for some classes

The bad:

  • Need / Greed loot
  • QoL fixes such as Rogue combo points, ammo, reagents, etc
  • Rep grinds
  • Respec costs

I am aware there’s a crowd who likes things this way but I guess that I am not the target for SoD. I had hoped for a version in which they took the things that made Classic WoW fun while performing surgical changes to QoL issues that nobody enjoyed at the time. It was fun for a while but I just lost all of my desire to log on now.

I’m all for good changes that are in the spirit of classic. A lot if what’s being thrown around isn’t that. That doesn’t mean I’m anti-changes.

But again you’re making a very bad argument here Because here’s the thing sod IS NOT CLASSIC ITS CLASSIC +

There’s already two versions of classic already era and hc sod It’s trying to be something different and again, it’s a season. How is blizzard going to know how someone is going to work if they don’t try it sod Not trying to be classic.

It’s trying to be something entirely new I want blizzard to try all the things And no that doesn’t make it the modern game Retail is retail In classic is classic but it’s a little bit more deep than even that.

Vanilla Is vanilla tbc is tbc and wrath is wrath Because every single expansion has always been its own game. Every one of them is different just like sod is Different as well I would rather Blizzard tried something and it failed.

Then them just keep re releasing classic with almost no changes And trying to keep it as close to vanilla as they can that’s boring.

Sod Has been so much fun Because it’s not vanilla Because it’s not classic Because it’s something new This is the only version of wow At least that I know of that attracts both classic players and retail players.

And I say that as someone that plays both for the record Yes i’m unique in that way i’m aware But my point is either way.

Both versions of the game have our good points and bad points But making it just another version of vanilla is not going to attract It’s not stepping forward.

I mean like the guy said If you want just classic Then go play era sod is not that.

Here’s the thing. There are people, right now, playing WotLK Classic. We had classic, classic tbc, classic wrath, soon classic cataclysm.

And I understand that for some (myself included) Cataclysm is a clear shift-point in how WoW was being fundamentally designed (the streamlining of leveling zones, the end game focus as a continuation of previous iterations ect.) And we’d prefer classic + not end up right back there

But between TBC and Wrath there’s plenty that was done that felt good, and fun, and didn’t make me want to pull my hair out. Heroic versions of dungeons I did while leveling was neat, I’d run Heroic SM or Mara. Flying mounts felt bad, they made the world of outland feel small and empty because instead of riding a Kodo past X alliance and getting embroiled in impromtu pvp I just flew to daily quests (also not so much fun)

But I have a firm stance on Dual Spec and how thrilled my entire guild was to go farm herbs/ore/BoEs to immediately Throw 1k gold at it to be able to seemlessly go from Raid to BGs without any hassle. The World didn’t get smaller, I continued to recognize names on my server and associate them with things I’d done with (or against) them, I just got to play both Holy and Shadow sides of priest without taking a hearth/flight back and forth from wherever I was

Random insert:

“Playing to get items vs. get items to play?”

“Who here rarely knows where their gear is, and just comes across it organically as a part of the adventure?”

“I’m not here for the epic loot, the epic loot is here for me.”

“The “World” of Warcraft is a rough place, with much tribulation, quality of life is hard won, and only a few of the greatest hero’s can afford it. When we see such heroes, we laud them, and salute with respect. Our adventures are perilous, though not as hard won as the greatest among us. But with effort, we rise to greatness, in an era of champions.”
-Some weirdo

Tap the sign

Players only stick around until they get massively outgeared to where the work isnt worth the reward so theyll quit till the next big thing.

That is all of WoWs private servers and classic history. But the replayability of them is high because people always come back. Every new fresh is a precious memory that cannot be replicated thats unique to that experience. This is what people really want. They want those moments of even footing, feeling of progression, emersion, investment, etc. The journey is fun. In retail, there is no journey because everything is instanced and players spread out that no one interacts or cares.

Sods only good because the level is capped so noones rushing.

So like, gating servers every couple-few months?

it’s almost like Blizzard figured that out and built an entire gameplay mode based around that, which has become wildly popular.

Look, I’m loving SOD, but lets not poop on retail just for the sake of pooping. This is a stupid and entirely untrue take that only someone who hasn’t played retail since BFA would have.

Do you have something against people giving feedback? Just go to a different forum.

Its more than that, retail is in an irreparable state. They will never unadd the degeneracy of furry foxes, pandas or mix race/class that shouldnt exist like priest tauren. That alone makes me never wanna play it. Plus im sure its filled to the brim of useless zones and content that youd never encounter another player anywhere. Meanwhile in lvl 20 SoD the only areas youll go is ashenvale and hillsbrad.

I think “spirit of classic” means different things to different people and that’s largely OK. I think for some people “spirit of classic” means “warriors are the main character as god intended” or “shamans druids and paladins should have bad dps” even as mages and rogues get tanking and healing specs and I will never get with that. I’m opposed to dual spec and personal loot because I think these things serve to reduce the connection with your character and things you’ve earned, and makes items feel less epic and cool. I’m not opposed to 15 min pally buffs because I don’t think that has an impact on the kinds of friction that make classic what it is

I don’t see any noticeable change in sod that means we are playing retail.

A friend 100% retailer just played to lvl 4 in sod and quit because the Game was very slow and diferent from what he understand from wow.

Giving to clasess extra tools (runes) are not “rEtAiL” most of them are tbc/wotlk based.

If someone thinks that playing ret paladin in era is a Best experience compared to ret in sod because in sod ret is a "rEtAiL dIn. That guy should be banned from sod forums and next clássic + news.

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If it was tbc or wrath Azeroth ( no Northrend or outland) it would be better than era Azeroth… there’s cloth agility gear dropping off bosses.

Tbc and wrath talents/ items were better

If you dont like classic design philosophy just play retail. Whats the issue here?

Good lord.

You think waiting for four people to show up at a dungeon is frustrating?

Wait until you are waiting on 39 people who have no consequences for dawdling.

Swear to Dog, some of y’all are either lacking in imagination or you’re just straight up masochistic.