Appearance Change for WoW Classic

I wouldn’t care if there was a toggle for show original appearance vs show barber shop appearance.

I would say the same about transmog but transmog actually impacts how people loot so it’s not really zero impact.

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how would my toon being changed from a female UD to a Male UD make your gaming experience worse? its not a race chance its legit the same race just a gender swap… does not affect it at all.

again explain to me how my character swapping gender affect the role playing aspec of the game for anyone else?

explain how wanting to swap a gender stupid? makes the player happy without the negative affect of people swapping race to chase pvp racials and over populating a race.

Because your character would suddenly not be the character it was before. She’s inexplicably gained 80 lbs. of muscle, facial hair, and a deep voice overnight and looks nothing like what she did before. It’s an RPG thing. A small thing. But the small things add up.

And if they make that change, they can’t stop there, because everyone who wants to change race or faction will point to that and say, but but but… you made that change, why not the change I want, whaahhhh! And the next thing you know, we slide down the slippery slope and off the cliff and Classic starts to look very similar to retail, and it’s back to private servers for everyone who wanted an old school alternative.


I think permanent appearance contributes to identity in classic. I did, however, get frustrated back then when rolling night elves because the skin color in the character creation and starting area always seemed a little different than when getting my character to brighter areas.

/shrug in a world with magic in it gender changes aren’t really immersion breaking.

Name changes would be far more impactful as that’s typically how you are known and race changes have actual game play impact. But appearance changes? Zero impact.

Similar argument to having updated models. Either it being a toggle or not… only you would have seen the updated models on your screen. I don’t see why having an appearance change which is 100% cosmetic bad for the game. Changes 0 gameplay and no one cares if your character now has different hair…

Wow classic is now the flagship.

you know what else required time? When we didn’t have highspeed 5g internet in 2004. When people didn’t know what to expect out of the game, the infrastructure of WoWhead where everyone knows everything wasn’t there

To address the smaller things you mentioned,

That was a two week thing for launch mitigation. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve not seen layering anywhere else in the game.

but thats the point of #nochanges crowd. People don’t want those things fixed from what I’ve read on the forums.

Look, bottom line is this ok, Classic was not and is not a perfect game. It is an incredibly flawed game. And people very explicitly told Blizzard they wanted it that way. Have they caved? Yes, but not in my opinion to an unreasonable extent.

Appearance changes goes well beyond the scope of a reasonable change. They didn’t introduce that until a later expansion.

what rpg elements–like, let’s be real here. Even on RP servers in classic, few bother with that side of things. Hardly anyone levels normally anymore. The game is mathed to the n-th degree.

Who is “we”? There was highspeed internet plenty of it - just for those who were your age back then. Don’t categorize all the players using your limited lens what who the players were back then. Barrens Chat was never funny. Chuck Norris jokes were never funny. Neither was Leroy Jenkins.

And funnily enough, the information WAS out there if you knew where to look. People the newbs back then, which is the core audience now, didn’t know any better.

Things took longer to die. Dungeons took longer to run. Everything was time. Time dictated everything from BiS, to boss fights, to guild dynamics, to player burnout, to accessibility.

But Classic is nothing like the authentic overall Vanilla experience however you slice it. And the keyword is overall.

Why do players suggest that major corporations use a young child’s lemonade stand strategy?

There are a million things that are “free money”, but WoW does not do them. Blizzard’s plan is NOT “do anything that is free money”.

People that think this way don’t run large corporations.

Hey it wont bother u but and it will satisfy who wants it with their new appearance. No faction change though just want it look as my personal liking appearane. Customization is so needed as long as it is rpg. Do not tell itwill bring up another request.

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If it didn’t affect the game at all, there would be no reason to ask for it.

So many people on this forum seem to think “it’s a change I want” equals “it’s not a change.”

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It’s simple pixel cosmetics to help retain customers & make them happier with the characters that they are playing. It doesn’t hurt anything & makes Blizzard some extra cash on the side. Win-win for customers & Blizzard. Plus, it isn’t until later in the game that you see all the annoying clipping issues with various hairstyles & the oversized, idiotic-looking “epic” gear.

IMO, Blizzard should have reimagined the Vanilla core-game for a new generation with suitable updates, bug-fixes, balance-adjustments, etc., instead of trying to create a worse version replica-clone of a hugely flawed 2004 “beta-game”. But hey, at least it’s still better than retail WoW - so there is that I suppose.

No thanks. Choices matter in classic, deal with it.

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Yes, and they claimed flying ruined the game and on and on and on, but now here we are and almost everyone is clamoring for TBC.

People just wanted to start over, that’s all it ever really was.

Not just start over, but start over then stop at wrath because everything after was a mistake.

Yeah right. I am already seeing the “well, Cata was good, it was only after that that retail got bad”. Before you know it people will be clamoring for WoD because MoP ran out of content.

It was all really about nostalgia and starting over, not just playing the classic experience.

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