Appearance Change for WoW Classic

Legit, Why wont blizzard allow us to purchase appearance change on WOW classic, its free money for them and it would make a lot of players happy, without affecting the game at all. I’m really thinking about unsubing because I cant stand looking at my toon but I’m too deep to restart. I feel like it wouldn’t be a hard thing for them to do.


Appearance Changes didn’t exist in Vanilla. I like the idea that you can’t change who you are, something that seems to be lost on Retail with tons of customization and aesthetic options.


A lot of stuff that they have changed didn’t exist in vanilla. doesn’t change the fact that it will have 0 affect on the game, its literally just a gender swap that most people want…

Lets be real, the game really isn't anything like it was back in Vanilla.

Won’t happen.
People were VERY VERY VERY clear to Blizzard that there was to be no changes whatsoever at all. If they added in appearance changes, a massive number of players WILL quit the game.

Personally, I think it would be a great idea. But the no changes people will have a big hissy fit.

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Some changes do not justify more changes. There is an appearance change for WoW classic, you just level another character.

Yes it does, it makes choice less important and harms RPG elements.


Exactly this. It’s just going to be free cash for them and won’t help make the game any better.

This game isn’t dress up doll house party. it is World of Warcraft. If ur quitting because you don’t like how u look, you probably don’t like the game in the first place.


There’s a lot of ways for them to make “free money”. WoW classic is a publicity stunt more than anything else.

lol its not a race change, just appearance. legit wont affect anyone else gaming experience


In terms of content, WoW Classic is already predestined. They simply can’t make the game better because there’s already a clear cut path which Classic will take.

They could at least improve the user experience. I for one wouldn’t mind a race change, but not having one isn’t going to make me quit the game either.

Yes it will. Every change affects everybody, it’s an mmo-rpg.


Yet it happened anyway. No changes died a long time ago. Now, it just means i want to play the way I want, even if it goes against the spirit of what Vanilla was.


Would you care to explain how it would affect you or others negatively?

like what? its been mostly pretty true to what it was
black lotus spawn increase? changes to Alterac Valley?
those are minor things compared to a paid appearance option.
The #nochanges people will argue “its a slippery slope” next thing will be faction changes, or character boosts.

It affects the game negatively, I and others play the game, so we are then affected negatively too. Appearance change was not in classic wow.

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Okay so you say it affects you negatively, but I’m asking in what way specifically does it affect you negatively?

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I just answered this. Negatively affecting the game negatively affects me, since I play the game.

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You’re not really answering the question.

Let me rephrase:

How does it affect the game negatively?


It already is a slippery slope. The only argument for it is that Blizzard already made other changes so why not this one.

dynamic respawns? unfixed class bugs? layering? Class changes/bugs that were never fixed? This is just the start.

And more importantly, Blizzard’s original statements of “Recreating the overall Vanilla experience”. Sorry, but Classic isn’t the overall Vanilla experience. Not even close. The one difference that Classic is missing? Time invested. Vanilla required TIME. Sorry, but you don’t get to blow up bosses without seeing a single mechanic. Bosses should be re-tuned, not to make it any more “difficult” but to take more time. BiS could change. Gearing could change. Class composition could change. Sustainability could be king. Not Pew Pew big numbers.

I’ll give you an example. An easy way to spot newb mages? See if they cast fireblast. If we saw that, they didn’t make the initiate title, and got booted from the guild. Why? Damage per Mana (dpm) was a thing.

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Eh, they could do a lot of things to improve the game, for some people and some people won’t like the changes regardless.

My comment was just more so, to show how full of crap the OP is. Just like you mentioned, it’s not gonna make you quit either way.