Hi all -
I got silenced a second time, first time last week, and I successfully appealed it, but it still doubled the time of my next silence. I was under the impression that if a silence is removed you do not get the time doubled. So I’m hoping a CS rep sees this so they can remove the current silence (It’s from advertising, I was doing it ONLY in trade AND 5 minutes apart, I was following all the rules ) and also the prior one from the record.
Please help, I do not want it to keep doubling esp when im following the rules :(.
The only way to have an account action rescinded is via the appeals system.
Bear in mind that the rules are kept obscure to give the realms some modicum of control over how they wish to see something-- there is no hard and fast Blizzard-dictated condition for when something is no longer spammy. If once every five minutes is too much for them, consider once every ten minutes.
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Thats what prior CS reps have said, 5 minutes at a minimum. But it’s quite clear that just getting a # of reports automatically silences you.
I DID appeal the last one, and it was supposed to have been removed, but it’s clear it did not get removed. I open a new ticket.
No, what was automatic was a squelch. Silences are manually applied by a game master, and they ultimately agreed with your realm if they gave you a second one. The five-minute minimum would have simply been a recommendation.
But the appeal ticket will be your recourse. Good luck!
Your correct, it was an automatic squelch after # of reports. But still, I was told by the last GM that it was appealed, and so it’s disappointing to find out it didn’t get removed and the wait time is now 4 days 9 hours, so I have to wait until AFTER its gone to have it removed, and its 2 days too.
Regarding that outcome, I cannot say. Speculation is a helluva drug, so we usually try to avoid it here. That might be something I’d suggest opening an account ticket for, just to get some clarification.
I can say that I have seen some reports that the penalties have been extended in duration, even for first offenses. Some are saying on various Blizz forums that the first penalty is now 3 days, not 1 day. So, your second may not be double - it may actually be the longer first time one (if it is true they changed them).
Regardless, even if it is a long wait, it is important to get the black mark removed from the account so wait on the appeal decision.
there may be some terminology issues here.
when it comes to things like this, wording is critical when it comes to making sure the correct information is being provided.
you can not appeal a squelch.
a squelch is pending for GM review.
if a GM chooses to uphold the squelch and apply a silence to the account, an appeal doesn’t mean that the silence will be lifted.
an appeal simply means that you want it looked at again.
From what I can see, Vynestra, the time seems to just be at 24 hours, I’m not seeing a jump in silence time here.
A Game Master will review it and see what it going on.
Oh - your right. I saw the 6th and got confused with the UST. Ty for the speedy reply by the way. I’ll go ahead and appeal it still, but thank you :).
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They don’t use American Time Zone times for silences it is some international thing.