No one said that. I suggest that you step away, you seem to be having difficulty in understanding the issue and are starting to read into things and getting upset at things that aren’t being said. We are telling YOU to stop, not your friend. Your friend has said nothing about this. YOU NEED TO STOP. Your friend should continue their communication through the ticket they have open.
Also, if English isn’t your friend’s first language, he may be better off continuing his appeals in his native language. I feel like there’s a fair chance things are being lost in translation.
Understood, the only reason I am getting involved , is because he can not post anything… since his account is banned… and there are no other way he can do. the ticket was closed as well.
There is nothing that he needs to post. He has made it to the appeals system, there is nothing else that can be clarified or performed on the forums.
make sense, that’s a good idea as long as Blizzard willing to review it.
Noted, tyvm for the advise. 100% clear
He can create a new account with a new email, file the appeal there and reference the original account. That way he gets the updates to the new account and everything is connected.
Appeals were never handled this way. Appeals were only ever handled by tickets. They appeared in game because some of their tools only worked in-game. GMs have more robust tools now that allow them to do things outside of the game.
The only things revealed here is that Blizzard will not allow a third-party to appeal for someone, and miscommunication happens when a middleman is involved.
And players not understanding what a GM can and cannot do, regardless of the number of GMs available.
Why are there so many posts that use the guise of “friend got banned” but then completely act like it was their own account?
It’s not our first day on the internet.
If it was truly your friend’s issue then they would be appealing and you wouldn’t be going off like this.
“just asking for a friend”
When I use that phrase I always use it with a heaping dose of sarcasm.
They aren’t bots. Sometimes, there is automatic responses if the ticket queue times are quite high, but the responses are actually from actual humans on the other end using templates. They use templates for better understanding and communication between them and us.
The replies may sound like it is a bot, it may look like it is by AI, but it isn’t.
That is why there is an In-Game Code of Conduct, an End User License Agreement, etc. The policies are very clear everywhere, and you can find a lot of them on Blizzard support sites. If you don’t agree with the policies, don’t sign up. If you think there is confusion within one of the policies, you’re free to ask that. But seriously, trolling the forums, and hijacking threads is not the way to do it.
Pot, meet kettle.
Like seriously, do you not think before you make any post.
I’m not sure what there is to discuss.
The rules have been in place for 20 years and haven’t changed.
The ABILITY to report has been made easier so more people are brought to Blizzards attention. This means PLAYERS are unhappy with the language.
On line discourse has also changed from a much smaller a focused group of players accustomed to harassing each other to include the rest of the world. Again, people have learned that this toxic behavior has real world consequences and decided it isn’t acceptable at this time.
Blizzard could be more specific in its communications but I imagine the sheer volume makes that challenging and you must admit that some people like dancing on the edge of punishment if they think they can get away with.
Blizzard made rules. We agreed. They made it easier to report. People get caught. Expecting to now DISCUSS this and want changes is unrealistic.