Appeal for over a week

Hi idk why there was a problem with previous post.

I multibox but i only use TSM and auctioneer, no additional software. That should be ok to not get a ban?

I dont know this option. Where is it? mouse settings in windows? I dont think i used it but i can check. I know i used “scroll wheel when window is inactive” i heard this can cause ban so i disabled that. I dont know about auto scroll.

Yes i think its true, i dont know if multiboxer get ban because of mass report or because of something else. I use to multibox openly but now i hide my auction house account and also my crafters, so people wont see me and report me. I feel just as opressed in wow as I do in real life haha

Not a thing. It only takes one report for investigation to take place.

Warden. Blizzard’s anti-cheat system can detect things on your PC.


I dont think warden found anything on my pc, the ban was suspiciously after a long wow binge on the night that i couldnt fall asleep easy. Now i know not to drink too much coffee as it can cause me to not sleep and cause me to play wow for long periods of time. That account that was first banned was only 4 days old…

How exactly do you multibox? Is there any automation whatsoever?
Even something relatively minor can get you the hammer if you’re caught.

No, the thing i suspect is the scroll wheel while windows is inactive setting in windows, i heard it can cause ban. I have since disabled it but i also heard alot of ppl use it without ban.

i have disabled it since i was banned pray that my new account wont get banned too.

crazy that blizz parent company is actually a wow hack maker.

If you had it active for any length of time while multiboxing this could’ve easily led to your account getting flagged.
Unfortunately, it’s not really provable that you had it on and were ignorant to it.
The only thing you can do is continue to appeal, if Blizzard deems they don’t want to go any further either because the evidence of your innocence is lacking or other factors they may just choose to close the ticket altogether.

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I am a new wow player how could i have known that would lead to ban its crazy. My bnet account is like 10+years old and i have never played wow before. Esp since reddit said that wont lead to ban.

Don’t trust reddit about anything, that’s just life advice from me personally.
It’s unfortunate that you could’ve known, unfortunately you’re not likely to get a response from any Blue name here and if you do they’re going to tell you what I told you already.
You gotta appeal, it’s not a guarantee though that you’ll get your account back.

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Reddit has figured out they lying to make blizzard look bad results in upvotes.


They could at least make official announcement that using that windows setting can cause perma ban. That is a big deal.

I sometiems cannot post i dont know why. I am queezyj

They should atleast announce that that setting can cause ban, esp since its from microsoft their parent company.

They dont announce what causes the ban because the bad actors will try to weasel out lawyer rule or be a karen or brad to get there way outa justified ban,


It will cause a ban if they investigate you, Considered Streamlining

They can still make announcement on which basic microsoft feature is allowed to be used. This feature is on by default so many ppl can get caught easy

Since this is still just an assumption (Blizz has not said that this is or can lead to the cause of an account action), they’re not going to announce anything.

That’s not something that they’ve ever done.


They have announced that geforce now is not bannable during the geforce now ban saga

I think its here. Official Geforce Now - #5 by Kozzae-doomhammer

maybe here Geforce now Game streaming clarification - #7 by Vorsol-thrall

Even a blue said it, why cant it be done to basic microsoft features.

This is just guessing folks.

Yes thats why they should either support it or not, just like they did with geforce now. (my posts are still being deleted with no information on why idk what to do).

If your posts are being deleted then I would not continue making them.

Appeal, that is your only route.