Appeal Feels Useless/Unfair (Not Knowing Has No Leeway)

So I put in my appeal because I was suspended for posting in Trade and didn’t know about it at all, and the message i received basically was automated saying I broke ToS even though I really didn’t know… so now i’m going to lose everything i’ve worked for this season already because there was no considering human error.

Do appeals actually get looked at or do they just send out automated messages??

Like what I did was post in trade a few times some key runs but I really really didn’t know it was against ToS…. now I have to suffer for a complete huge accident….

What do I do???

Appeals are looked at, but that doesn’t mean it’d be automagically get removed because someone put in a ticket about it. All it is asking them to review the logs and see if any mistakes are made.

And to be blunt on the matter, ‘human error’ isn’t a factor about using trade chat on this. It isn’t really an excuse of not knowing in this case. Sorry to say but, you can appeal until they tell you to stop, anything beyond that is out of this forums knowledge.


I guess so man it really just sucks because i’m not even kidding I posted maybe a total of 20-30 minutes total and didn’t even know the rule and then just get suspended….

i just don’t get it, any other ticket usually a GM answers but I got an automated message. Like you’ve gotta understand I’m being punished for something I really didn’t know about and that is completely unfair….

And there should be room for human error. If someone doesn’t know a rule and gets banned for it, that seems super extreme for nothing. I haven’t done anything like this before at all and literally the first time i do i get suspended and didn’t even know. it’s really just not fair at all.

Just gonna be blunt on this as I rather not this thread go on a lot:

Not knowing isn’t a reason to let it slide. If they let you do it, that means other folks will try that too. But overall, it’d be akin to saying you should be let go from ticket when you get pulled over for texting and driving. Saying you didn’t know it was against the law won’t make law against it disappear.


That is completely different. This isn’t commonly known knowledge at all. Literally nobody I have talked to in my guild about this doesn’t understand and didn’t know and now I’m falling victim because of it. Like I get it’s a rule break, but like if you don’t know you shouldn’t get this severe of a punishment???

Maybe a week or a silence for not knowing but giving me a 2 weeks suspension off of a mistake and no human error because i didn’t know is extremely harsh.

Ignorance of the law is now excuse.

Now you now better and won’t do it again.

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Yeah but a 2 week suspension to learn a rule I literally have broken 1 time and didn’t know is just extreme….

Now i have to play like I’m walking on egg shells when i do get to play again or I’ll have to read the rule book because This seems so extreme for such a little mistake. I’m not running a boosting community or anything. I was just trying to make gold w guildies and i’ve only posted a few times :expressionless:
It really makes me think about unsubbing. like i made a mistake that i didn’t know about and now i have to suffer. it’s just extreme but NOBODY seems to agree w me.

If you are already at a 2 week suspension, you have a history. That factors into it as well.

You can keep crying about not knowing, but it’s irrelevant. Blizzard made the change and posted about it. IIRC it was a blue post in the forum. You can probably find it. They presumed their players would read it and understand.

You not doing it is on you. Your guild mates claiming to not know is on them, not Blizzard.

But now you know, and now they know.

Still not grounds for a long suspension for not knowing…… you would feel the same if you were in my shoes.

Not everyone lives in the forums either. I didn’t know. they didn’t know. this shouldn’t have me suspended for 2 weeks. it’s literally a mistake and now i have to suffer… like you really don’t get it unless it happened to you.

Here’s the post.


That post is from Shadowlands in 9.2.7. This is insane. I’m supposed to know about a post from 3 years ago and since i didn’t I get suspended for 2 weeks??

Like you have to put yourselves in my shoes. I DIDNT KNOW. and now i’m having huge lashback. it just literally does not make sense.

I dunno, it’s stickied in the general forum. You don’t have to dig for it. I took a long break from the game and when I came back 3 months ago that post was one of the first things I saw, especially since I checked the forums before returning.

As for appealing…that’s up to Blizzard, I don’t know what they would do. I’ve never used the trade channel so I have no idea.

EDIT: Actually this is a more comprehensive post about it. There’s a link to it in the post I shared but this is on the support site. This one was updated in the last 7 days.


I’ve played for 14 years. nothing has changed. i don’t go on here unless i need answers. Like there’s no reason too. so if im getting suspended because I don’t check the forums or read the ToS word for word…. i just find it insane. 14 years nothings changed. I made 1 mistake and didn’t know about it till after. like it just doesn’t make sense.

That article you posted doesn’t really help either. Like i messed up?? can we not suspend someone for not knowing please??

I don’t know. The only thing I do know is that appeals are looked at, but are not a place to “plead your case”, only for a second set of eyes to see if an error was made.


Then they need to change the name from appeal to fact checker or something. mistakes shouldn’t go so severely punished :confused:

Like I said, all you can do is wait on your ticket. There’s nothing any of us on the forum can do but speculate.


No I wouldn’t. I would assume I missed an announcement and go “welp, that sucks” and move on.

Again, you clearly have a history if it went straight to two weeks. The point is so you learn a lesson.

Again. Ignorance of the rule does not absolve you if the consequences of breaking it. It makes plenty of sense, you just don’t like it. Which is fine, but it is what it is. You screwed up and now you have to take your lumps.

Use this as a learning experience and move on.

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Speculation at least gives some peace of mind

That’s not even a little close to true.

If you played for 14 years, you know changes get posted in the forums.

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No. It’s not common knowledge. I’ve never done something like this and never knew it was a thing. There shouldn’t be such a massive suspension regardless of my past. It’s like throwing someone in jail that literally didn’t know about a crime. If i knew about it, you think i wouldn’t do it right?

Right. So yeah i did it but if i didn’t know and get punished that seems extremely corrupt…

The last time i checked the forums is for Classic WoW and that was for like xp grinding lol. I don’t come on here because blizz usually posts stuff about wow on the net launcher.