Apparently the 20 Free to Play Starter Edition bracket is now merged with the 20-29 XP- Disabled Bracket

It’s great to be able to dust off the old 70. :partying_face:

Also curious.

In df 2 talent points, right now the occasional ability depending on class/spec.

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I see.

It also looks like bis for a lot of classes is…boe gear? With a socket and tertiary? How interesting.

9 out of 20 playing hunter.

yep nothing wrong here, move along.


The Hunter fascination is a strong with a twink community. 99% of thrm can’t play any other class


Maybe the hunters will farm eachother into oblivion. I question how sustainable it is; who wants to play in a meta that is a hunter stackings arms race? Seeing who has the better heals or more/better hunters doesn’t sound exciting at all.

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It’s not, it’s absolute garbage. Leveling BG’s are also plagued with hunters. Hunters actually make this game unbearable. But wrath prepatch is next tues so whatever.

I party sync into 59s with my 60 shaman and the hunters there aren’t as oppressive. TBF though there is a very notable skill gap between them. Some absolutely dominate while others seem to barely do anything.

It’s hard to believe it was worse at the start of SL. Hunters were so bad I could barely get myself to queue. Like I’d get aim shot for 80% of my hp leveling through 39s. Was checking my combat tab while dead a lot back then

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I wonder if they would consider merging more brackets like this.

Yeah, they didn’t put it in the patch notes 8 months into BFA when they re-separated the xp-on from off and sent the vet / trial account twinks into the xp-on either. They also responded to the reactions with “this was not intended” at first, before they eventually stated that they did this on purpose after removing the Principles of War and spec Templating. I think sometimes they realize a decision might not have been as effective as they expected and hope no one throws a tantrum in the forums about it. EVERYTHING in a forward moving system is new and untried, there are no content changes that will make everyone happy. Would you be able to make decisions that affect millions of people without upsetting less than 3% of them? 20%? 50%? I can’t imagine the pressure of every new idea getting scrutinized by all the people that have all the answers for a perfect world. /Prayers for the Devs, GMs, Leads and teams @Blizzard… Don’t ever give up on what has become a home to so many, myself included. <3

Know what’s funnier than 1-shot AS? Getting 1-shot by a HOLY Priest, a HEALER!! lollz. There are many strong classes and specs if they gear right and know the classes. There will always be 1-shots and Blizz will always try to adjust and tweak the settings, sometimes in the opposite direction. If we remove hunters or nerf em to the ground, great, now… what about mages? What about Warriors, Rogues, unkillable healers / tanks … add infinitum! There will never be balance other than templating and scaling EVERYONE and becoming a game for only the coordinated and skilled players. This is WoW, welcome to the chaos of the everchanging life on Azeroth. A perfect imperfection!

I think maybe still get some scaling at 27? 29s get no scaling. Not 100% sure on that 27s scaling but I just wanted to say …on Alliance- Superkillo, Wren, Paigexd, strong players and Lmfao on his horde lock. Looks like a fun game. Their 5 hunters vs your 4 and each team with a glass cannon hunter. Looks like Horde having Bo’s 106k healing with only 3 deaths and Alli lacking heals made a difference. GG… /feels for Laraa, Minato and Zulfiqqar. They stayed in the game till the end, even after so many deaths!! <3

il just leave these here.

it’s funny that everyone points at us 29s that “ruin the game or new player experience” , sure, there are many advantages of paying for the game but no one seems to point out the vets, some of who paid MILLIONS of gold for their BiS gear or grinded dungeons and quests and farmed for their own BoEs and then unsubbed… are they not 1 shotting the new players that “once the ftp/vet hits level 20 now they are placed into xp off and have to deal with xp locked 29’s.”… ?.. I mean, come on, lets be real…Vetted BiS twinks are contributing just as much when it comes to a 1v1 on a fresh trial 20. The ONLY way the “new player experience” inticement pampering could be untainted is if the trials were separated into their own bracket away from vets and subbed players… But wait, then they would still have to contend with other trials that have been playing for years and are in BiS gear vs the no loom, chants, gems, professions, etc etc…new trial 20 players. …hmmmmm, perplexing… so, how can we fix this?.. Well, Legion PoW Templating was about the closest thing to leveling the playing field but yeah, that fixed it! It gave the advantage to the skilled players that didnt want to grind for gear, professions, toys, etc by removing the work and reward system that made this game great… That wasn’t a fix-all either… so what do we do now???.. NOTHING!!! f.c.o.l. , when I got my rear end handed to me by a class/ spec/ twink, … after I medicated my wounded rear… I looked em up and tried to get the gear they had or improve my gameplay (slow progress but progress!)… Getting wrecked INSPIRES the strong to get better gear, more friends, enhance playstyles, etc etc… Catering to the “new player experience” in an unrealistic way is NOT preparing them for the level of f^c&ery they will experience if they do buy game time and level to max and PVP there!!! Just let the game be the game and stop trying to change it to fit everyone’s liking. Some will love it, some will hate it, so what. /Meow <3

LFM War Games <3 <3

I dont get it. Y’all are really complaining over 29s ruining the bracket? Y’all were playing for free killing levelers having a blast. Now that the 29s are here y’all complaining. Get good or get out of the bracket lmao.

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Ok? was this a way of saying 29s ruining f2p?

Wall of text bro. I stopped reading at the second sentence. I recognize you as one of the xp debuff exploiters in the 10s and 20s bracket tho and your always in a premade to.

What a sad way of playing the game.

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Also don’t forget the original intention of Veteran Edition Accounts -
Former WoW players coming back to “try” the game out.

Prior to Veteran Edition Accounts (which came out in WoD) you could NOT log back into you’re account without an active subscription.

While I agree with everything you say. You can’t fix everything.
The way the current system is built, it’s hard to separate “New Players” and “Old returning Players” from people who intentionally stay level 20 to gain an advantage.

HOWEVER it’s NOT hard to separate very obvious players looking to gain an advantage over new players (29s).
That’s what this post was about. Going back to that change prior to the original post.
Yes 20s are problematic to the new player experience but 29s are even worse.


I lack skill, yes, we all know but 20 vets in their BiS gear are still 1-2 shotting 29s. So lets put vets and trials in their own bracket right? sounds fair enough to the returning players or trials. Not! How bout, if an account has been lapsed for a year+ they are put in the bracket with trials, otherwise, put 3 brackets. Trials and 1YR+ vets in one, -1YR vets in another and 29s in their own? I mean, how can you even try and conceive any solution that doesn’t overcomplicate the matter trying to be kind to new or returning players? Bro… I’d like to hear an actually reasonable solution that is fair to all. It’s also not fair to remove the queues from paying players by separating the bracket to where no one gets pops and surely mixing with levelers didn’t work well. I’m all ears brother…[Solutions] … go