Apparently the 20 Free to Play Starter Edition bracket is now merged with the 20-29 XP- Disabled Bracket

any twinks you see in 20-29 will have a subscription.

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Haha I barely play my hunter anymore except in 10v10 wargames, play my priest a lot more. This change actually does make team matchups much better though so I may start again. Lot more fun to do it this way rather than steamroll after steamroll. Main issue that’s coming up is just long queues.

BOAs have been nerfed multiple times. For both stats and also leveling effects. They are almost use less now. A full TBC geared toon is going to be way better than any BOA toon. to the point to where you could take on multiple BOA toons of your level and not even die with one of those old twinks.

Stopping XP has put you into your own separate BG for many years now. Even back in Wrath they went to their own separate BGs. XP off never go into the same BGs as XP on. When I twink I dd it by making my twink on an account that was not maxed out so I had it capped at the level I wanted to twink at and so therefore would not be listed as a twink and could queue up regular PvP queues and you then get xpac trail editions to get the gear from the expac above the expac you are locked into which makes you the best twink possible. Thats why I had a level 60 twink back in wrath that could kill some level 80s and lots of other twinks had the same setup too. That is the only reason why Blizzard separated the Classic servers so that way if you are capped out at level 60, you cannot go and wreck TBC players.

When i twinked and my friends did too, we all did it in the 60 to 69 bracket. As level 60 twinks. So we were the lowest level in the battlegrounds. And also fighting against people who had some knowledge of PvP.

Not like todays group of twinks who can only do it by being the max level of their BG and going against full green geared new players who are for some of them, doing I for their very first time. If all you are capable of doing is killing new plyers who are half your level and who you way outgear, then thats not twinking.

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I have already seen any of the 20 twinks that “were the problem” before already level up to 29 and obtain the best possible gear to one shot new players.

Even more concerning is that many of these players who created lv29s are also queuing on multiple accounts, using F2P accounts on opposing factions to falsely force queues to pop so they can have an even greater advantage against new players and true starter edition enthusiasts.

I have already seen friends who recently came to the game on starter edition quit due to the sudden jump in pvp queue times, only for them to join a half filled team against an opposing level 29 twink premade.

This is just the worst possible experience blizzard could do to new players, and for the image of the game in the eyes of some of the most important prospective customers and next generation of the game.


Ofcourse you do, since twinks really don’t want to fight other twinks. Thanks for showing the whole world what you people are really about, you just want to stomp players in the ground that don’t stand a chance. According to you twinks, twinks aren’t even that strong and the difference is minor. So you should be able to deal with too. Or were twinks actually lieing? (that was rhetorical btw) Now you’re finally getting a taste of your own medicine.


I actually made a new 29 because its twinks vs twinks now instead of facerolling levelers or being facerolled by twinks.


Theoretically, yes, but that doesn’t mean you won’t face well geared, for the level, players. I sometimes lock my XP get good gear, turn XP back on and that gear will last until I level out of the bracket.
All that said, you won’t face F2P/Vet Account 20 twinks anymore since they are now treated as XP off.

LFM War Games

i wish 20s got some better scaling. If you think about it, its level 20s vs level 70s in the current 20-29s.

no its like a level 23/24 player fighting a level 33 player.
working as intended.
if i was you (ftp/vets)id take advantage of the free sl upgrade and start making 60’s before the next xpac drops. you can even “twink” the free 50 boost and play with the 50’s on your journey to 60.

I deleted my original reply to you because I misunderstood what you said at first. Yes, I agree the 20 twinks, whether they were true F2P or Veteran accounts were the reason I didn’t Q into random BGs while in the 20s because I didn’t want to be 1-2 or if lucky 3 shotted by the 20 twinks. All that said, I did make a 29 XP Off twink since F2P accounts are now treated as XP Off. As the 20s told us, I now tell them “adapt”, isn’t that what you all said when you were wrecking levelers and XP off got separated from XP on? Karma

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Well I wanted them to just go the wod route, allg ear scales up to a lvl 29’s blue item (ilvl34) but blizzard for some reason thought that was a terrible idea and removed it lol. Woulda also liked to have seen gems get nerfed down to 1/1 but also that’s too much effort for a small indie company like blizzard to handle.

It is unfortunate for them tbh. I tried to see if my 20 f2p protection paladin could still hold his own in the 20-29 bracket and he struggled. I’m not sure how Protection paladins are holding up in the 29 twink bracket at 29, but I may give it a shot regardless.

And now you won’t even be able to queue the 20-29 XPON leveling bracket without waiting a long queue.
The funny thing is; It killed both queues for the XPON and XPOFF side. The new trial accounts kept it thriving as much as the levelers.

I believe the 20 community has been “adapting” since cataclysm. Facing 24s/29s throughout most of history.
This isn’t karma because this isn’t anything new. It’s always been this way for the majority of time.

It’s more of a “Alright you had a small break and taste of what its like to be the top dogs. Now back to getting overpowered by 29s as you always have”

I don’t mind. I have 2 accounts. My twinks are on a different account. I can do other things with my main account in between Q times.

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It’s actually closer to like lv 20 versus level 75+ based on the available content and power scaling of items available.

Combined with items like the jackhammer, balefire branch, destiny and others that have totally broken scaling for main and secondary stat bonuses and are much more plentiful and more readily accessible to level 25+ It’s clear to see the encroaching power gap between starter editions and fully geared lv 29s, who rock this and other grandfathered raid tier equipment from before the level squish.

At least when a starter edition inspected a fellow level 20 capped twink, the gear was obtainable and could be used as a model for them to aspire to achieve.

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Like que up multiple afk 20s to force BGs to pop?

I made a mechagnome hunter and did BGs through that bracket. Queues were fine. This is a myth being touted by twinks trying to create a narrative that their presence from leveling BGs will be missed. It won’t be.


I mean whatever your opinion is on the topic, it’d be real cool to hear from blizz whether or not this change was intentional.


Whats the advantage of going 29 over staying 27? I just resubbed last week and saw this post, my old 70 twinks are playable but gear probably stinks.