Apparently the 20 Free to Play Starter Edition bracket is now merged with the 20-29 XP- Disabled Bracket

Twinks aren’t “getting owned”, twinks will just move to 29 so they can “own” the level 20s who like to play the game without paying a monthly sub. This is squarely targeted at people who have fun playing the free to play game, which stops at 20. Queues are already terrible today, only 29s and people who don’t know what’s going on are queuing up and the ignorant 20s and levelers are getting dismantled, on both factions. The matchmaking, intentionally or not, is pitting 29 twink teams against 20s and levelers. It’s not fun for anyone, even some of the 29s are getting tired of just steamrolling other players. This is just a bad decision even if you dislike level 20 “twinks”.


To be fair, it’d take me about 30 minutes to make a lvl 20 that could go 50-0 every game in the levelers bracket all the way up to the level 30 bracket. I honestly don’t have much of an issue with the merge as long as queues still pop relatively quickly.

The fact is you should not have to dodge any PVP queues as a new player to learn how to PVP fairly and be competitive. Happy to see you quit. You won’t.


Now that we’re gone, go level a character through the 20s. tell me if you have a good time in low level PVP. it’s been completely broken for years now.

Wait so 20s are now in the xp off queue ? Oh this is going to be fun!


I’m honor level 530+ or something… I’ve seen it all.

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Yes is it not amazing!?


Best news ive heard all day. Absolutely amazing


This is reaching.


The queues are terrible because of F2P twinks exploiting XP eliminated in levels 10-19 and because of players getting wrecked in 20-29 xp on bgs.


If they sub they will be fine.


This is not true but from your posts I can tell you’re not too savvy so /pat on the head.

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Prove yours first, with data.

Oh is that right? Tell me how it is not true. Prove your point. What is it you don’t understand about the OP nature of 20 F2P Vet accounts with triple gemmed gear etc? What do you not understand about the XP Eliminated Buff.


I thought that item level was going going to all be the same in DF.

How are there going to be twinks in the lower levels if we all scale ?

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You are the one in here calling me out. I don’t need to prove anything just look at Somfas streaming on Twitch and you will see all you need to know. Now let’s hear your argument that I am wrong because you cannot. Simple.

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XP exploit is supposed to be reportable but they never do anything, this has nothing to do with free to players and the level 29s will be glad to be using this exploit to “own” people that like to BG on a free account. The point being, ONLY people who want to play for free are getting hurt, twinks will continue to exploit as much as possible, 29s love this, 19s don’t care, the only people hurt are people that like playing the game for free at 20. Do you financially gain from this or something?

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You’re dismissed, “Never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience”. Goodbye.

So Mr. Honor Level 97. Do you think that F2P players don’t use the “XP Eliminated Buff” while leveling up in the 10-19 bracket? You bet they do. It’s on video. Go see for yourself. Somfas even states it on his profile lol.


You are blowing off hot air with nothing to back it up. Move along little boy and catch up with the Honor Level you are slacking big time.

Nice copy and paste there. lol

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