Apparently the 20 Free to Play Starter Edition bracket is now merged with the 20-29 XP- Disabled Bracket

That little old man is so mad, lol. Queues right now are 30 minutes for regular RBG and apparently epic BGs aren’t even popping anymore. Used to be about 5 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. What fun.

Oh, you are back. We are now going on about Epic BGs. Where did that come from?

Keep on the subject, please. The fact is FTP Twinks have been ruining random bgs for a good few years now. I love the salty tears.

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They should be now. Last I tried that, I noticed they had 20-59 all in one bracket.

I don’t know if something has changed but they’re not popping at all for me, on a newish level 20 whereas before Tuesday they did pop, albeit rarely. The timer would show 20 minutes but now it’s showing no estimated time at all.

I feel sorry for the f2p accounts. Before they had levelers to play against and have fun fights. Now they just get curb-stomped by the vet and 27/29 twinks.

The queue times are already much longer compared to pre-split. Epic bgs are probably completely dead in the water.


For you yes, for the normal player no.

Perhaps players will be encouraged to play again instead of getting one shot etc.


Cry me a river.


For the average leveler this change is pure win. Not having to worry about twinks or twink premades, good times.

For the f2p/vet twink this change sucks.

In many cases the f2p accounts were weaker than levelers. So what is your bias against them?


Welcome to how levelers felt for years. Not one tear shed.

On the XP Off website many guides for the F2P player to be OP.


So you are only capable of looking at things in black or white. What about the gray area of f2p? That do not have access to alchemy or enchants, that are solely using dungeon gear - either drops or dungeon crate gear.

They are at a disadvantage to even levelers.

It’s not the way the game is meant to be played you know it and I know it. The twinks did not shed many tears for the normal leveling player on here. Sorry I feel no sympathy. Sub to the game like everyone else.


Not talking about the twinks you potato. Referring to the pure f2p that are playing the game with no support - enchants, gems, alchemy, potions.

Why should they be forced to sub when they are just testing out the game parameters?


No one is forcing anyone to sub at all.

Sorry for being a potato I thought this thread was about F2P/Vet twinks. F2P is meant for players to test out all aspects of the game, sorry I don’t make the rules Blizz does. i would be all for them having full access to everything.

However, I also believe that once you reach 20 on a F2P you are given 4-5 days to sub approx if you don’t account is locked.


Correct. Due to this change though they will only get to test how fast they can get dogiled and teabagged by the twinks.

Not a good change from their perspective.

There are 3 groups of people who do the 20-29 bracket.

  1. Twinks, imbalanced af - so no pity about this change crippling their bracket
  2. Levelers who use heirlooms and other goodies from their account - this change is good for them.
  3. F2p/new ppl testing out the game, similar to classic leveling. They only use dungeon/quest rewards and crate gear - this change is awful to the max for them.

Then nothing changes for them. For me and the majority of paying levelers, it’s a step in the right direction for the game, but as we all know the twinks will still look to exploit, there will be something that will crop up on the horizon.

XP Eliminated should not be a thing in PVP. I want to see that eradicated.

You are from Bleeding Hollow the hotbed of twink activity, so I’m not saying anything here you do not really know already.


They will still use the reduced xp debuff to sync into the levelers, the scumlords :face_vomiting:


I disagree, I’m leveling a new char on my paid account right now and 10-19 isn’t much fun for someone that likes to pvp while leveling (it’s still full of xpoff debuff twinks and premades), and when i get into 20s, how is being destroyed by the 29 twinks who will be doing the xpoff route without having to game the system and are STILL running premades going to be fun? No better than being beaten by the 20 twinks but with even less of a chance to compete. This change is ONLY good for 29 twinks IMO.


Bout time blizzard did something good for twinks

Twinks are separated from the main stream now, unless they using reduced xp debuff. So what are you talking about?

When did I say anything about twinks being healthy for the bracket, most twinks are trash that crutch on imbalanced classes and items.

Such as hunters and balefire trinket.

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No, they aren’t, 19 twinks are still doing the same things they’ve been doing, i was in with a half a team of xpoff exploiters last game. I don’t know why you’re getting so mad lol. I’ll let you know in a bit what 20s are like for levelers but 19s are crap, they DO NOT enforce the xpoff rules. Actually let me see if I have any 20s. I’ll report back.