Apparently I'm new?

So I created, in my opinion a really good post on the mage forums about the state of arcane. And apparently I am flagged as a new user and cant reply more than 3 times. could you take this flag off? I am certainly not new :stuck_out_tongue:


The forums have trust levels, and you are basically starting out at level 0. As you read posts, and after a while you will build trust. There was another thread that basically went over all this a couple days ago, let me see if i can find it.


Thank you for your reply. This really sucks for my post, but I guess I will just have to go post on other forums to build my trust. I don’t reeealy understand my trust level considering my account is at least 11 years old but I will adapt.

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When the forums was redone, every body was zeroed out and had to start out from the bottom.


Basically everyone started over new when the new forums started. A few had posts from the old forums carried over, but only for a small period of time before then. You may have been playing for a long time, but as far as the forums are concerned you are starting on the ground floor, with a fresh slate.


No, I’m afraid not, Faramere, no Game Master, Support Forum Agent or Moderator will be able to update your status. It will update on its own though.

You may not be new, but you are a new user on this version of the forums. These forums use trust levels, which based what you can do on your participation and posting account status. You actually jump trust levels pretty easily in the beginning, only needing to participate a little bit to graduate from trust level zero, but it takes about 24 hours for the system to update your status.

We’re hoping to increase the update rate so that the system does it more often, but for now, it can take up to 24 hours. Sorry.


understood, sorry i didn’t mean to start a thing I honestly thought it was a bug, shows how much i am ever on the forums lol.

might i add, it is my belief that the people who always take it to the forums are mostly the bad ones, and us new 0 posters arent logging onto the forums to troll or poop post :stuck_out_tongue:

but again I am not trying to be negative, understood, I shall work on my forum posting history :stuck_out_tongue:

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You had a question, Faramere, this is the right place to ask it. :slight_smile:

Not always. We have a great community who also loves to talk about the game, even when they don’t always like every aspect of it. It’s constructive feedback and discussions that allow our devs to look into new things, change existing ones (hopefully for the better).

Good luck!


as I make my posts to gain trust level, i am noticing the flagging system being abused. are you aware of this? people are using flags as a dislike button to throw peoples ideas and opinions out the window.

Our moderators keep an eye out for abuse and penalize accordingly when they find someone abusing the system.


It’s too restrictive, Vrakthris.

Perhaps, but as someone who has helped out the moderation team from time to time, it is an unfortunate necessity to help prevent a lot of the spam that impacts some of our forums. Hopefully if we’re able to speed up how often that updates it should help legitimate players be able to participate in the community.


Thank you, and thank you for listening.


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not to beat a dead horse but this system seems silly for an account like mine thats been around since day 1 vanilla. I’ve had prior posts but rarely come on here and post, to then reset it all and say sorry you aren’t trusted the first time you come back to the forums seems like a brute force approach. I just wanted to post in the new classic friend finder post but I’m blocked from posting more than 3 times :frowning: this is less a rant and more a build my trust up post…

Perhaps try chatting in a thread that isn’t two months old?

You may have more success.

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Hey MoodĂ˝,

It takes no time at all to move beyond the “new” status:

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

In fact, at the time of this reply, you’re already there!

How long one has been around the forums isn’t something that was transfered to the new platform. We all had to start from scratch, but like mentioned above, it takes very little activity to get back where we left off on the old forums.