We're sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 3 replies in the same topic

So all of a sudden I’m limited? Why?
We are all stuck on the same boat…waiting for world of warcraft to be available to play again…so why can’t we enjoy posting and talking somehow?
All of a sudden now I can’t? None of my posts were removed from my knowledge and I’m not breaking any rules.
If we can’t play Wow…let us at least enjoy the forums.


What qualifies as new?

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i cant cry effectively with my $15 a month if i only get 3 posts a thread


I have no idea what qualifies as new? I’ve been a wow player for on and off for 2 years. but in terms of forums yeah I started using the forum today cause I haven’t been able to play at all but definitely did more then 3 posts.
but yeah I should be able to do more then 3 posts with my membership

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You don’t pay for the forums with you sub, it is simply a perk. The way the new forums work is that you have Trust Levels, they increase with things like amount of posts read, likes given, etc. You should really be past trust level one simply by reading the big thread about the server outage. It is really easy to make it to Trust Level Two, which removes or makes irrelevant the reply restriction.


they removed it…I’m pretty sure it was because someone kept spamming their twitch promotions on the one page that they did it but prevented others from posting as well.

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They didn’t remove anything, you simply upgraded to Trust Level 2. This is not a new thing, it is working as intended. Since you just started posting and were trying to post more than three comments you simply noticed it. It has been in place since the new forums went live. Usually people don’t even notice it because they are at TL 2 before they reach the three post limit.


Just to clarify, these new forums have trust levels. If you haven’t posted before you are trust level zero and have some restrictions that help to mitigate spam and bot posting.

It takes very little time for you to move up in your trust level, but the forums take several hours to update that status. We’re looking into having that status update more often, but it currently can take up to 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience, Fantasmics.

It’s hard finding a happy medium. We want legitimate players to be able to post and get help, such as new and returning players posting in CS or Tech Support, but we also must protect against the very real plague of spam. We continue to see what can be done in that regard.


Seriously, dude? I was offering a serious suggestion on something you brought up-- more moderators vs more restrictions. Sheesh.

Yes, seriously. The “suggestion” felt flippant and your information exaggerated. It also isn’t appropriate for the CS forum.

Additionally, throwing bodies at potential problems isn’t generally a sustainable response.

Using events that impacted us and our friends in such a manner tend not to be received well, sorry if you misunderstood that.