AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

All the exclusive stuff I had was already handed out as twitch drops anyway.

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They’ve BEEN doing that although it’s more along the lines of “buy this item that just so happens to come with some tenders” but it will probably be like “get a wow token and get tenders when you get a token as an added bonus!”

And if they do… ok. I’m surprised they didn’t do it sooner.



Close enough!


People have been making this claim for over a year now. But here’s the thing. This is DATAMINING not an official word from Blizz. We don’t know why this has any kind of Tender listing. But more than likely IF this connects to the Trading post it will be a new Year long achievement. But until we know more in any kind of official word all people are doing is Speculating and pearl clutching.


But, more important - it’s their IP to do with as they please, when they please and how they please.


I think everyone’s personal collection is important. If we got rid of collections altogether I bet 75% of the player base would leave. So it matters even if you joke about it.


Look I get TCG mounts and pets being given away I do but this is a step to far and if they do it just put everything ever removed from the game on a vendor for 1 gold a piece at the same time or dont do it at all. At the same time never add anything time sensitive to the game ever again.

This would make doing anything in this game while its current pointless.


Idk how I feel about this. AOTC will loses sense of accomplishment. Are they going bring all challenge mode mounts armor and weapons back as well?


General Discussion said this too when there was datamining about this:

And the Defenders of General Discussion said “they won’t sell this”

And they did, with pre orders and bundle bonuses


But didn’t they say they were doing that though at some point even before that?

(I think there was a twitter on it I forget if someone is able to find it or knows the link please reply idk where to even start looking ._.)

Eh, myself and many of my friends and seems like others who play wow would prefer to just collect things without needing to rush to get it done before whatever date.

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Yes, Ion did say they would in fact add them to bundles. And that turned out to be true. BUT Tenders by themselves have not hit the Cash shop as people have said they will for the past YEAR so until I see some kind of official word I’m just going to wait and see. Because sensationalist doomsaying does nothing for anyone.


In the grand scheme of things, this wolf isn’t that important. It’s setting terrible precedent. It’s principle. If Blizz locked this wolf behind the upcoming Pandamonium event’s achievement, I think that’d be a lot more palatable than putting it on the TP for currency. It just feels slimy putting an achievement on the TP.


What used to be great was there were hundreds of mounts you could get anytime you want. Hundreds.

So there was no reason to do this. The amount of mounts in the game you can’t get anymore was only around 10%.


so you know the problems with this.

Are you that naive?

A aotc mount costing so much more than a reskin mount that was high as 900 tokens?

It can be half of that and that will still make them say “hey, I know you want that aotc mount, how about you buy bundles of tokens in the shop so you can get it?”

Look at Diablo 4 in game shop where they give you a base currency plus bonus currency the more you spend

That’s EXACTLY what they’ll do with the traders tenders soon.

If it was an actual mistake in data mine it wouldn’t be in the thousands it would have been no less than 950 tokens.

If they never had intentions of selling tokens in the shop, that aotc mount would have never been in the thousands

Geebus actual Christmas dude are you that dense? Really?

Okay Monthly bar rewards are always listed as 999 tenders. EVERY TIME they are datamined.

This is listed as an impossible amount. With no actual hint as to how or when it would even come to the Trading post. It may not even be meant FOR the Trading post. Cause it’s DATAMINING. There’s no ACTUAL context. So until we actually have some kind of official word, all you’re doing is pearl clutching and trying to stir up rage for the sake of it. Without any form of common sense argument attached. You can try and make all the claims you want, but without proof they mean nothing.

So, that being said, I wish you a wonderful night. I won’t be interacting anymore.


Normally when mounts are datamined they don’t have any tender associated to them at all unless they of course are bound for the TP. At least that I have seen anyway.

Luckily i already got that pupper mount so i can save some tendies there at least.

i am happy for those that were unable to get it in the past for one reason or another though.

That is fair, but we don’t have any context or hints for this other than what was datamined. Even if this is meant for the Traders post, which I have my doubts, it likely wouldn’t be listed for that price. But until we know more all we can do is speculate. And I prefer to just wait till we know something concrete.