AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

It’s a bug mount so even tho it’s a flex mount (less so to some who got it first) but I wouldn’t be opposed to it being added on the trading post. Or any unobtainable mount, mog, toy, or battle pet really.

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If you didn’t get AOTC in MOP you don’t deserve this mount. I don’t deserve this mount because I didn’t get AOTC. Let people who achieved this wolf keep the pixels. We shall receive new and obtainable pixels. What is Blizz doing here? This can’t be right.


SMH. :man_facepalming:


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People can have the wolf for all i care but i do would like something in return something nice, just my opinion

I’m sure you guys are all excited until you realize this will let blizzard put tokens on the shop

There is NO way 1000 tokens for the month let’s you buy this, it’ll probably be half of that price

But you better make sure you stay true to your word when you’re paying $40 for 2k tokens or something

You all got wallets right

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You would be too if you were hit by a silly diatribe from a DF wrym.

This was always going to happen. I thought it already was?

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It’s cosmetics so I don’t care. If they start selling actual gear then I’ll start caring.


Ahh, yeah you can buy it indirectly from expansion preorders. I actually got a survey asking about doing that a while back

Gear isn’t meaningful. Gear gets replaced every few months. Mounts/achievements last forever.


Ok yeah i’ve definitely lost touch, this dog take seems to be the popular opinion. Just put it all on the store so that nobody knows what you have achieved in the game world.


i think this is absolutely ridiculous - destroys the whole “AOTC” thing in the first place, you should never be able to re-obtain somthing that was time-sensitive such as AOTC mounts and ESPECIALLY challenge mode dungeon gear - you were either there, or you weren’t, that’s the beauty in thing’s like limited time events and rewards, being able to get them again later on just ruins the entire thing all together


No it does matter

They release this as a trading post for 4-6k and you’re cheering and all excited till you realize you either:

Be lucky you even have that many tokens saved up the past year

Or you start seeing “spend $40, get 2k plus 500 as a bonus!” And either cough up the money or let RNG/FOMO get to you again


Yeah, but I don’t brag to anyone but guildies and my siblings in a joking way about mounts, mogs, and achieves.

everything has a price imo. Would you not be tempted to take 5 k tenders and in return others get to have our wolf we never even use anyway?

Awful decision if true. If anything add a recolor - if everyone is special, nobody is special. Players like having artifacts of their history with the game.


You brag about gear?

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Their response to you:

Arguing here is a lost cause brother this is all you will get, they’re clueless.


No I don’t. Mounts, mogs, and achieves to guildies in a joking way, and then they are like oh yeah while I have x,y, or z or tell me I play the game too much.