AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

Bring back the Mage Tower appearances next.


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Sounds like Microsoft hit the shop.

Nah, they should mix is up and bring back a gladiator mount.

We need to spread the anger out between all the different play styles.


Known trollish behavior… just nod politely. As you would a slightly dense puppy.


I’ll be selling all my tendie assets to buy every single Elite PvP appearence I can.


Right but if they are gonna do something like this they just need to put all fomo stuff on a vendor for 1 gold each and let people have at it. That way everyone gets something they dont have and wont have to worry about being left out. Anything less than that is abhorrent if this mount is added back in any way. There was a difference between that Tyrael mount and the TCG stuff and things like this.

I mean if the go through with this fine but there will be no sense of urgency to play anymore knowing i can get it later for a few tender.


there are no pvp’ers left to piss off with it though.

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Again we don’t even know WHAT they’ll be doing. Till we actually know, all there is right now is blind speculation.

Cool then they should put all the pvp mounts on the existing pvp mount vendor for marks of honor.

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Well you can be optimistic but ill stick to my pessimistic outlook.

yeah well i am uhmmm NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS. take that familiar looking void elf. hah!

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but then the scr00bz0rz will get a rare mount and make it common in the process, devaluing it for everyone with their n00by butts riding it.

for the game’s integrity, that must not be allowed.

The game doesn’t have integrity anymore.


I want to see old titles come back and pvp mounts and transmogs.

To be fair it never has had any integrity.


It’s not even optimistic. It’s I don’t have enough information to make a conclusive guess, there for I will wait for more information. It’s not Optimistic, it’s not Pessimistic. It’s simply reasoning.

then it’s up to us as players to revive the good old days of integrity.

WoW was there for us at our worst, it’s time for us to return the favor.

Ha! Microsoft pun!


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All I need is precedent in order to be pessimistic here with this particular potential issue and you seem to be optimistic based on a lack of context that this wont happen. It really doesn’t matter how this mount is readded to the game, re adding it in the first place is the problem. If it is a recolor fine whatever.

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Glad to see it coming back looking forward to seeing how. Feels like its more likely to be for the pandamonium event rather then actually being 7000 tendies for a mount that is 100% not worth it.

Either way I’m looking forward to seeing more time locked things coming back. Having more things to hunt for would be nice.