AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

Funny how that always seems to line up with not being able to answer a question.


AoE isn’t being nerfed, just not “everything” AoEs anymore. Now, there will be some “cleave” and some “AoE”.

It’s valid feedback to say that X or Y ability should be AoE instead of cleave, or even that the delineation is confusing or whatever. But it’s not helpful to keep up all the hyperbolic doomsaying.

I did answer the question, yes, Imo, it’s fun, you never complained about it being fun, you said it was game breaking and you wouldn’t be able to solo old content, and I pointed out how you still could, and it would only take you 10 more seconds, at most
You and your buddy are now changing the subject about it being " fun " when your point was about AOE cap being " game breaking " and " no longer being able to do old content "

It’s fun to press an AoE ability and have it fire off and miss a selection of mobs within its area of effect? If you say so, but that’s weird to me.

lmao I answered your question already
here it goes, one last time
Yes, it’ll be fun!
And a little extra, old content shoulnd’t hinder the balance of the current content! :slight_smile:

Exactly what I was talking about, till you brought up " fun "
thanks for proving my point :clown_face:

Sorry but you are always rushing to defend BlizZard without taking into consideration that people have already tested the changes in beta, PTR and already offered the feedback.

To call it doomsaying is basically saying you don’t have an argument.

The AoE cap is a massive nerf to mat farming, gold farming, transmog farming, doing low level content and end game content.

Not acknowledging this reality since anyone can test the PTR or beta is basically saying “I don’t care”. :thinking:

You mean cleave. Max targets for cleave. AoE is still uncapped.

Yeah they are not being genuine they are trying to derail the thread so valid feedback is locked.

They did it with the other threads regarding covenant restrictions. Quite sad really they have resorted to this. :+1: :+1:

Honestly, I don’t believe that anyone finds the act of pressing an area attack and having it miss every mob over a certain number fun. But I do appreciate your commitment and the fact that you haven’t really insulted me much.

And I bring up “fun” because that’s what people are talking about. It is not - can I physically complete this action. It is - do I enjoy doing this thing more or less than I did before the change.

Oh no. You mean we will have to actually think about pulls and use CC effectively? The horror. What ever shall we do?

You mean cleave. Pressing a cleave ability and having not hit more than the cap for a cleave ability. Hitting an AoE will still hit every mob.

Yeah, and refusing to use the right word when it doesn’t back up your argument is totally “genuine”.

Change is coming, and sometimes change is good.

Nah, I mean whatever the ability is right now. Changing the name after it’s capped doesn’t change anything except, well, the name.

They probably haven’t tested the beta or PTR which is why they are not being genuine IMVHO.

In fact I pretty sure if they go post that argument in WoW reddit that they would find not many support such of an opinion from my view!


Have tested, actually. Cleave abilities hit harder, but hit fewer enemies. AoE doesn’t hit as hard, but it’s uncapped. They are two different things.

Your inability to tell them apart is what’s not genuine about this conversation. Maybe you should try another test.


Ah, this is going to be the new thing isn’t it? You’re wrong because Blizzard changed the name of the ability so it’s no longer “AoE?”

Gee, makes it feel so much better!

Yup the thread is tittled AoE cap is game breaking. We all understood the thread title except for a select few.

And now they are just trying to derail the thread with semantics. Unfortunate!

The AoE cap is a massive nerf to WoW the MMORPG because it undermines the fantasy of WoW as well as making the game slower. :100: :+1:

No, you don’t get it - Blizzard said the abilities are in a new category of attack. So it feels really good now.

Ok, continue your echo chamber. Refusing to acknowledge change isn’t going to win any minds here.

You mean like rep is now renown and AP is Anima Power? Tell me if I have seen this movie before. :+1: :laughing:

I’ll check back after your favorite streamer gives you a new opinion to talk to.

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