AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

Somehow I get the feeling like nothing is going to “win” your mind.

I have an idea though. Let’s just call every ability “awesome fun super attack!” That way, because the name is what matters, we will all have an absolute blast every time we press the buttons.

Right… you use r/wow as your source of info for the game? I’ve tried the ptr, I play Shadow priest, made no difference to me, in fact, it was fantastic, as stuff wasn’t dying as fast as before, so I was able to dot a lot more and as such, I had more fun by PLAYING the game, instead of spamming mind sear while a stronge rogue or demon hunter carried me
And just please… r/wow? lmao
Every single post is " this is bad, but art team good " and it’s just an echo chamber about people complaining about a game they hate, yet somehow, continue to play
like, is Ion forcing them or something? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Streamers didn’t log in for me and test the changes on the PTR.

But try again next time!

Meanwhile lets return to the discussion at hand. The big nerf that the AoE cap is bringing heavily, heavily penalizes players doing content in lower dungeons. I feel sorry for new players that will be walking into this mess. :100:

My favorite streamer is RiffTrax - by the guys who did Mystery Science Theater 3000. For some reason they don’t tell me which WoW change to like, but I remain hopeful.

You seem very confident and yet if you feel so strongly about this topic go start a thread on wow reddit and see what feedback you receive.

Please report back to us what you find out as I am sure it will be very illuminating.

But based on what I have read even the most casual of players on WoW reddit think this is a massive, massive mistake. :thinking: :+1:

My favorite streamer was Reckful.

He spent most of his time streaming from Japan, working on his game, and eating tomatoes.

:100: :+1: Good man that will be missed.

P.S. Most streamers are a positive good for people like Swifty and Bajheera.

Trying to throw shade at streamers reveals a lack of understanding of the positive impact stremaers can have.

Some abilities that were AoE are now cleave. AoE still exists. AoE hasn’t been nerfed, but not everything AoEs. Eye Beam = AoE. Blade Dance = Cleave. They have different uses for different situations. True AoE still exists, and most classes have some form of AoE.

It’s new and different (well, a return to a previous iteration, so maybe new to recent starters).

Hardly game breaking.

Not throwing shade at streamers, I’m throwing shade at people who can’t form an opinion without being told what to think.

Edit: if this is your honest opinion and not something being regurgitated from preach, bellular, or r/WoW, then obviously I’m not talking about you.

This topic is not even grounds for a debate.

It’s such a dramatic change whose results are unforeseeable that anyone getting their you-know-what twisted into a knot this early on can be dismissed.

No one knows how its just going to play out in Shadowlands.

But we do know that in the iterations of WoW where cap existed, those expansions were regarded as highly successful by posterity (fact)

That was the old devs. The new devs don’t know what they are doing so they are just going to break the game without thinking through the consequences. :+1:

No, it isn’t, it’s a " nerf " to the higher level people doing old content, and barely a nerf at that, it’ll just take 5 more seconds to kill stuff.
New players and people leveling don’t spam aoe in a low level dungeon, because, you know, it’s their level, and if they pull tons of mobs to aoe them down, they die :clown_face:

LMAO HAHAHAHHAHAHA this is hilarious, thank you, no, idk if you’re being sarcastic? why would I talk to people who absolutely hate this game?

yeah, if you use reddit as a source for anything…
I remember reading reddit during mists of pandaria :clown_face: and then reading their comments in regards to Warlords of Draenor " Bringing back player experience as the core pillar and immersive content "
then I remember reading them asking about Blizzard not giving us " meaningful choices "

I’m not a fan or hater of Bellular but I think we can all agree that he comes up with “opinions” based on what he thinks people want to hear and not the other way around. So it’s not so much people repeating what he says - it’s him repeating what people say.

WoW reddit has always been supportive of the game which is why it is known to post fan art of WoW.

I am not sure why you want to throw shade at WoW reddit because most players there IMO love WoW.

But please consider posting the idea that the AoE cap is fun and good on WoW reddit. I await your response with a great vigor.


posting fan art of the game doesn’t mean you like the game, in fact, the only positive thing I’ve read in that place was that the art team was good and it’s " carrying " wow since wrath of the lich king

stating facts that you can see for yourself isn’t throwing shade, take a peak for yourself
threads complaining about an optional cosmetic glyph and bashing Blizzard for not updating it

Yeah, then I’ll fill my pool with cocodriles and sharks, and I’ll take a swim, that might be a better idea than posting something positive about current wow in that place

You are not throwing facts.

I went to look right now and most posters on WoW reddit are against the AoE cap. And they even posted video evidence too.

Not sure why you want to present your opinions as facts but that is your choice. :+1:

“Some people agree with me” isn’t an argument. Most people agree with me, I’d think, because I’m a rational person.

I have exactly as much evidence as you do for such a claim.

Not counting the fact that “agreeing with it” isn’t the same thing as it being a good change.

That is the truth.

All this talk about RPG elements and then they put in the AoE cap. It indicates to me that they really don’t care about RPG elements like they claim to.

In fact you can see that with how things are going with systemlands. :100: :+1:

What does using AOE on an old dungeon has to do with RPG?
No wonder you like reddit so much

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Bingo! I just won WoW hater bingo.

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Yeah I have been watching beta streams and I have seen big mass pulling still. There is none of this CC like people are claiming. :+1:

And then I went to test the PTR myself and then it is clear that this is a bigger nerf to lower level content participation.