AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

Pretty much

When did this happen?

I tanked on a bear in classic. It was impossible to maintain thread in regular dungeons where there were large packs of mobs. I think the cap on swipe was 3. The mobs would go right to the healer and kill him.

Most dungeons had packs that were manageable. But I couldn’t tank Maraudon because of the packs of 8 grubs that were leashed together.

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Breathes deeply

Ahh, I thought I didn’t, but I did. :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:

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It’ll take me 10 more seconds to AoE down some low level mobs
Game is broken and I can’t have fun :clown_face:

No, you’ll have “go go go” people will “as big big big” pulls as possible and a focus on finding classes with less limited AOE

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The devs already have a means by which to stop players from pulling the entire dungeon - and it doesn’t require an AoE cap.

Think about the shadow menders in nyalotha. If every dungeon pack had one of those, it’d make AoE pulls more difficult.

Or like that room in kings rest where each trash pack becomes active after you’ve beaten the previous one.

Blizzard has managed to tackle the AoE-pull issue in many creative ways, but now they really want to take the hammer to it.


Is it fun to watch an Area of Effect ability only hit some of the mobs within its area of effect?

is it so gamebreaking and anti fun to take a few extra seconds to kill a couple of mobs in an old raid?

For real though. Is it enjoyable for you to activate an AoE ability and watch it just kinda miss mobs within its radius?

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Didnt aoe use to hit everyone at full strenght then blizz split the damage among the mobs?

why can’t you answer my question? is it gamebreaking and anti fun to take 5 extra seconds to aoe down some mobs?

Because I’m not the one who said it was gamebreaking, but you are the one who said this:

I’m wondering if you think this change is fun.

Did you read the post I was replying to?

You won’t be able to farm transmog in old raids now because it takes you 5 more seconds to kill mobs?

I did read it!

You and I and everyone else knows that it is not literally impossible to do this stuff so that’s kind of beside the point.

My question is - is it more fun with the change?

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It is a big, massive nerf to transmog farming, mat farming, gold farming, doing content at lower levels, doing content at end game. Big, big nerf.

:100: :100: :100:

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Shockingly, that other guy vanished into the Twisting Nether rather than answer if it’s a fun change or not. Wonder why…

Lots of sock puppets employed lately trying to assure customers “everything is fine.”

Meanwhile…there is like zero dialogue on the PTR forums. :+1:

Imo, yeah, instead of spamming mind sear, I can just dot stuff, way more interactive :smiley: and ultimately, if people dislike it, then you can certainly see there’s a greater good, no more aoe fest on mythic dungeons!

got stuff to do! I can’t just sit on the forums congratulating me and the other person who agrees with me :frowning:
sad that you completely miss the point and change the argument to justify your point, tho, I was adressing the fact that it isn’t gamebreaking, not if its fun or not, but I guess you can’t come up with your own argument about this change not being gamebreaking

Lots of parrots repeating what streamers are saying :clown_face:

They still haven’t answered the question. This is not surprising because the goal of WoW is to have fun.

AoE cap is a massive nerf to fun across the board. :+1: