AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

Apparently farming transmog in old raids is a big no no with Papa Blizz due to AoE cap. What happened to having fun in this game? :thinking: :man_facepalming:

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At least they decided to cap the number of targets AOE can tag/hit down to 2 finally. This cheating has gone on far too long.

Tell that to the devs of EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS EXPANSION where this was not a thing

Ramp up time isn’t good for boomies. And it may seem like it’s only the .01% but the other 99.9% just copy their starts and comps. Literally every class is viable until you get up into higher keys, but if you’re not a “meta” spec forget about finding a +10 group which sucks.

Having anti AoE affixes is just a gimmicky bandaid to the issue of of AoE spam. The dungeons should be designed well without them. Affixes shouldn’t be a “fix” for poor design. The only things you can do are give every class strong AoE, or nerf existing AoE so it’s not the default strat for every dungeon.

It’s unhealthy to have such an obsession with an Internet stranger. You’re seriously creepy.


Because pressing your “aoe” button until everything is dead is really really boring. They’ve never designed aoe to be interesting.


Make barrage great again! I’ll just take it and RP as a stormtrooper.

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Those aren’t target capped lol, its basically melee thats target capped.

Earthquake is capped, that’s ele shammy, blizzard, frost orb for frost mage, who knows starfall maybe? mind sear is probably gonna get aoe capped as well, its just pointless for the majority of the game, its really an only Mythic dungeon thing and just higher keys, i’d say in order to not affect people who want to reach 15 just place an affix so everyone can enjoy the game WHILE making their MDI relevant and not so far from the casual players to understand by nerfing them with 1 affix at 16+, its just reasonable.

Earthquake is not capped can confirm as I’m playing beta rn and been pulling 10+ mobs while leveling. You may be confusing it with Chain Lightning which is capped at 5 targets, which its always had a cap.

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I’m just here to show my support for changes that don’t affect the entire playerbase because someone is angry at M+ strats.

And devs, who are also human, can be wrong.

An example was what happened in Draenor when the ability to fly was taken away from us.
The community complained and Blizzard, instead of leaving things as before, reached that middle point that seems absurd to most players.

The community complained about the “borrowed power” and what happened?
They continue with the idea for another 2 expansions.

Conceptually I like the idea of ​​AoE cap.
But it is very poorly implemented.
Not all have the same cap.
Ideally, everyone should have the same cap.

If a class is better or worse to do M +, the numbers will decide.
Not the arbitrary target cap that Blizzard decided for each class.

moving along the dungeons will be 5 to 8 mobs at the time, I guess blizz really want to force us to really go slower to enjoy all the work they have put into the game =(… yes when 1% plays competitive, and they ask for feedback from that pool of people is not really representative of how the rest 99% play or most important how they enjoy the game! i like the idea that after a +17 or something you add that extra affix, that way you keep the 1% at their level and the rest of the population just enjoy the game =)

ok it doesnt have rn, if it doesnt its ok but the problem is, it may get one and thats what sucks.

You will no longer have “go go go” people with “big big big” pulls because mobs will die “slow slow slow”…
lol, i should write rap songs! :frowning:

Yes, it’s a cleave cap. AoEs are entirely unaffected.

You would think that with MDI having such an effect that they would go as far as nerfing AoE that Night Elves’ Shadowmeld would get nerfed.

I’d also think that I’d see more Night Elves around but I don’t (Thanks Sylvanas!). It’s almost like the majority of the playerbase doesn’t care what MDI players run.

I’m fine with aoe cap. Used to be one anyway… really didnt change much when they removed it. Doubt It’ll matter when they bring it back.

If you have 3 dps all spamming a max 5 mob AoE in a group of 10 mobs; chances are they are still all going to get hit and go down pretty fast.

:snowflake: Frost :snowflake: DK is barely getting touched currently, only ability currently capped is Frostscythe.

The game is not about fun. If you’re having fun, you’re playing the game wrong. The only reason you should be playing shadowlands is purity of design, knowing that you adhered to arbitrary restrictions more perfectly than others did.