AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

You need more CC in an AoE pull though, because there are more mobs with abilities you need to control.

We can also test it out on the PTR.

Just a bad, bad change and makes the game worse like forced GCD. :+1:


That a tough one though. WotLK was the first expac to fundamentally change the game, and it drove a lot of players away. For a lot of players AoE grind fest heroics, 10/25 raids, the dungeon finder, and “bring the player not the class” were unwanted changes. About half of my friends quit because wrath was “casual garbage”. A lot of people here consider it WoW’s “peak”, and like to ignore the fact it drove just as many people away from the game.

The whole unwanted change thing is purely subjective. If they never made any changes at all the game would’ve died off years ago and we wouldn’t even be here talking about a new expac.


This is it!
You found the reason: maybe Blizzard is trying to get rid of the “go go go” mentality!

I’d rather the older style damage split softcap than hard 5 target cap honestly. Not a fan of massive pull playstyle, but I think it’s a better solution.

Just lazy period. To most of the game now. They are blowing off Archaeology too. This after having dropped First Aid a couple of years ago.

Pet battles are also getting far less work than previous expansions.

Of course, PvP has been neglected for years now.

Ion was a raid logger in his time so he is slowly, expansion by expansion, warping the game to his playstyle.


Why didn’t the monk just use chi burst (uncapped aoe) and kill them all in 1 hit?

Or use SEF and raise his cap to 15?

He need to l2p

The current game is as far removed from being able to raid log as it’s been in the entire history of WoW.

Actually this promotes more go go go in M+.

BlizZard trying to fight the meta is hilarious to me. :laughing:

I love quoting yourself to yourself Ralph.

This isn’t the first time WoW has had added an AoE cap to abilities. Maybe melee will be a little less dominant in m+.


Blizzard game developers are running a literal clown show these days:

Yep, whilst simultaneously having less ranged classes then bloody classic wow.

:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: Clown Show :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

They are doing it on purpose by saying and doing contradictory things.

They know this will create a meta but they don’t want admit it. :+1: :sunglasses:

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Chi burst has a cooldown? and spinning crane kick and first of fury having just 13 sec cd instead of 30?

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Yeah but starfall isn’t that great a spell I think. I still think they should be limiting AoE with like affixes or special auras on certain mobs. They’re screwing over every part of the game because a select .01% is doing something they don’t like.

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Hmm before I ignore you let me debunk your failed attempt at gotcha by actually reading what I am saying and who I am replying to.

Oh it is a thread pointing out how
-Gearing alts is suffering which is it cuz at the time you had to regrind essences from 0, no vendor, then you also had to get lucky with RNG corruption which again was a terrible system.
-How corruption is RNG and gave a guy a corruption that gives them 5k dps while gave someone else avoidant which once again I agree, that was terrible design and anyone defending such disaster is accurately described by my post
-The bloody beyond terrible “me good hero, me shoot beam of friendship to kill le big bad”, yeah that was beyond an absolute disaster, I honestly still question how that even got greenlighted, it is literally the plot of a children’s cartoon show

Especially when at the time I was starting to play Swtor, a game so accessible I could farm the top ilvl gear on my main and then send the top ilvl gear that dropped from raids or currency to any of my other chars, now just imagine if that was possible in WoW, Ion would have a headache

Welp there goes your last attempt to catch me at a gotcha by quoting me out of context, on the ignore you go :3

As a former fury warrior, it’s not that game-breaking.

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Only on a chores level, and that can change easily.

What I was referring to, and I should have explained better is the perspective of the casual and his shrinking options going into SL. People who don’t want to raid or M+ are losing a lot of content in SL.

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Lmao no wonder you guys can’t get it back

It got removed so you guys can grind longer and provide Blizzard more time metrics. Got an upgrade for your friend but can’t trade? redo it again and they do :rofl: