AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

I’m well aware of who it was that got ML removed. People who were too stupid to not join full guild runs, that advertised it as a ML run, and then claimed that the loot was “stolen” from them. Same goes for trials who know that they aren’t entitled to the gear that main raiders are for the duration of their trial periods.

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I k inda want to elaborate more, from my visits to the r/wow subreddit the only thing I’ve seen is
Grizzly hills is good
Here’s a screenshot of the game, upvotes to the left
they want meaningful choices, that are completely irrelevant to the game, therefore not meaningful at all
they want RPG elements but they don’t want RPG elements because it makes the game too grindy
They seem to forget about timegating in previous expansions
Ion, who can speak hours about the game and the reasons why the team does stuff, doesn’t understand the game
Streamers and youtubers hold the absolute truth (Despite them obviously being negative so they can pump out a 15 minute video on how " bfa bad " to milk youtube ads), and if you disagree with them, you’re just a Blizzard employee
optional cosmectic glyphs are terrible and Blizzard should be ashamed of using a 10 year old model in their game
Picking a covenant and earning the trust, which will in turn affect how you play the game and how your class works isn’t meaningful, but picking between a night elf and a blood elf for demon hunters that has no effect in the story whatsoever, is meaningful
art team very good, devs very bad
Grizzly hills good!!!

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Imagine thinking that Ion saying something automatically makes it true. Then again, that’s why Ralph is a troll and most other people are not.


Smart move.

Have to stay ahead of BlizZard with the way they design the game these days. :+1: :thinking:

I am not and never was the type to worship the past/norms/“the way things were done”

Because it worked like that for 12 years doesnt mean it is right, many wrong things were happening for many years till someone started pushing for change and fixes.

He isnt immediately correct for simply calling the gameplay “degenerate”, he is correct because he gave very detailed reason as to why it is wrong.

The devs make the game, when people play the game in unintended ways that way of playing is removed, its how games have worked since the beginning.

By playing a game you agree to play under the dev’s rules


The devs make the game, when people play the game in unintended ways that way of playing is removed, its how games have worked since the beginning.

Let’s also not play down developer’s killing their own games or segments of games by unwanted changes. AoE capping and restricting players from changing, doesn’t make them play more, it’s makes them play less.

More frustration and restrictions is not what this game needs. It needs a new lead developer and a shakeup of whose in charge internally as well. Instead of laying off QA and “non-essential” staff, they should be looking at whose in charge; because that’s where the problems start.


Pandering to people leads to really terrible games, independent design that tries to create a better game leads to way better games.

It does, because many people who are currently playing WoW are not playing WoW as an RPG, they are playing it as a "gimme my best loadout and let me get in and “win” like we are some sort of FPS with instant gratification.

That is why we need more restrictions because people need to go back to playing RPGs the way they are meant to be played, with strengths and weaknesses and therefore choices.

This whole “I get to be good at everything” exists because there’s not enough restrictions

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I’m going to be straight with you mate and then I’m ignoring replies from you on this topic; because you’re just a degenerate forum troll / Ralph v2.0 / Rastilin v3.0 with a mouth.

Anyone whose playing this game as an RPG for their main game in 2020, are a lying 2 face Joker; because there are far better games out there now from 30 years ago as well, that put the “RPG” in correctly compared to World of Warcraft 2020. World of Warcraft 2020, 2016, and 2014 version from my memory are and were not RPG focused like Classic was and shoehorning that into Retail and saying it’s going to work is stubbornness at its finest hour.

If WoW was so RPG focused, they would put more emphasis on the story and personal character development outside of what it is now. Here’s a hint for you, it’s not going that way. It’s just Blizzard’s talking point to use as a generic rebuttal that proven statistics, PTR, Beta, and history has shown their negligence to see this will not work.


WTF? cats have brutal slash yeah, it helps them cleave but their real “aoe” rotation requires placing rip and rake on ALL targets while keeping thrash up, is incredibly exhausting and even though they’re 4 buttons its a lot to micromanage, numbers of buttons don’t define the difficulty of anything in the game, you could have 10 in a macro.

An aspect I don’t see mentioned often with the large pulls is a reason they work so well is the massive amount of damage tied up in cooldowns for some classes.

Fire mage is the epitome of that right now, where their combustion spike dps is about 10x their steady state dps.

Ignite spreading also is uncapped, and is a main reason these massive pulls are even possible. The damage is so high in these windows that you can pull big knowing it will get exploded much faster than say if combustion wasn’t up.

Indeed make heroics great again and better. Add different more challenging bosses, random events, secrets to unlock, and vastly more difficult trash, and a whole new layout. A heroic run that lasts over an hour but rewards you for it sounds good to me. Make heroic gear heroic again as well.

And those that quit the mythic+ scene because of “Oh noes, muh AOEWTFBNQ!!!11111!!!” will be repalced by those who exercise actual skill with CC and rotations.

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Because AoE cap is affecting old raids.

Just play mages.

Look at the arena representation of mages the past 2 years. Look at the M+ representation of mages. Look at the raid representation of mages.

Now, imagine what that will look like with melee target capped.

Just play a mage.

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I am excited for a new direction for WoW starting soon. We can all feel it as we sense that all these restrictive changes are trying to make WoW into something it never was. WoW is a MMORPG.

When your AoE does 0 damage as you let an ability go right next to mob that is when the fun starts to become a chore. :thinking:

Everyone needs to see how ridiculous this is:


A.) They shouldn’t balance around anything lower than current Mythic raids, +20s and Gladiator, let alone old raids.

B.) Use one or two more globals. Very simple, really.

What?! Wait!? this is real? thought someone was trolling about this, oh man that is not gonna work at all! hope this isn’t true!

Says who? You?

Works if you’re pulling 10-15 but you know there are more mobs in old raids that than.

Says anyone who actually cares about the actual balance of this game instead of the lowest level players, actually. There’s a reason Blizzard doesn’t balance leveling content or balance around LFR.

Then use more globals or use an ability that isn’t AoE capped. You know, like in the video the OP tried to link where the Monk didn’t use their non-capped abilities because they want to rile people up who are too ignorant to actually look anything up.

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