For melee that has always held true that positioning and target facing matters.
Most of them? But even if the team had experienced 100%+ turnover over 15 years, it’s still the same team, unless the turnover happens in too short a time for acclimation (for software development teams, that time period is usually about 6 months).
Prove that either: the WoW team was replaced with a new team (or experienced heavy turnover over 6 months or less, just to give you the benefit of doubt) AND that the new team is less talented than the original team
OR prove that BfA has been ill received. You’ll need stronger evidence for this, because we know from the quarterly calls that player engagement is way up, so you’ll need to prove that people are playing MORE, even though they aren’t having fun.
I hope this is ironic…
They are dumping Archaeology support in Systemlands. The talent grid that was updated in MoP has been neglected and no new talents since WoD.
They really don’t like legacy WoW ideas. Not sure why the AoE cap is going to magically make the game like vanilla or BC.
You are not going to see people say “Rogues needed for CC” when forming groups again.
That is wishful thinking IMVHO.
Not just positioning and facing but making it so that abilities like Cleave and Blade Flurry only hit so many extra targets.
I’ll take “Classic WoW” and “COVID” for 500, Alex.
Dude, BFA launch was a disaster, GCD changes killed the game, i didn’t play until 8.3 bc i knew the game was in a bad state, only the art team saved this game, and bfa became another filler expansion like WoD just to make Shadowlands better with all the level squish going on and it looks like they’re gonna ruin it bringing another problem to solve.
I played the entirety of Legion, bc i liked every patch Bfa was just underwhelming, beggining with the name, and blizzcon receival, everyone knew it was not going to be the biggest success, or probably become all out incompetent before 8.3
But you see the old Blade Furry had a weird interaction as it was a small cone in the front and a small cone behind you.
The new Blade Flurry is the invention of the current dev team that thinks they know better than the old devs.
They pruned Fan of Knives and Crimson Tempest from Combat/Outlaw. So to compensate that pointless pruning they broke the fantasy of Blade Flurry to make it like an AoE 360 degrees.
Had they not pruned Fan of Knives and Crimson Tempest Blade Flurry should have remained a cleave.
Meh, a raid logger who shouldn’t be lead dev because he only cares about raid encounters and doing one key a week to get chest doesn’t like how others play so he is removing it. Doesn’t surprise me. Just like how he removed pvp.
It will not be game breaking. Stop being so dramatic.
Blade Flurry being a cone like that doesn’t make sense though.
Your weapons aren’t a cone attack and you’re not magical. Blade Flurry is just attempting to rapidly strike at enemies in front of you, but there would be a limit on how many you can realistically hit and still do damage.
It being unlimited targets in either a cone or an AoE makes no sense.
Its a fantasy game, stuff like Bladestorm that isn’t possible IS, like being able to hit all targets at once.
To compensate for the GCD disaster in systemlands they are going to attach free damage to things like Blade Flurry.
That is immersion breaking because Rogues have historically generated damage with finishers or combo point generators.
Exception would be a cool down like Cannon Barrage which has been removed. So, other than a few exceptions (eg damaging poisons) the vast, vast majority of time Rogues generate damage from finishers and combo point generators.
So, now in systemlands Blade Flurry when turned on does instant initial damage without hitting a combo point generator or finisher.
The more elegant solution is to remove the GCD from things like Blade Flurry and increase the cool down if it is hard to balance.
That is why Frost DK feels still bad to play because of GCD.
You guys are all the same. “WoW sucks now, but it was better before.” Whatever reason you need, “the dev team is different/aged/out of touch” or the “target demographic has changed” or “everything is designed for MAU over fun now”. I’m sure it’s just coincidence that these are the weekly click bait bull crap coming from influencers and reddit and you all just happen to have these thoughts independently.
The game is better than its ever been. It’s more responsive, deeper, more difficult (for those that want it) and more approachable (for those that don’t). There are more ways to play now than there have ever been.
Maybe it’s not the game. Maybe it’s you.
Right but it wan’t unlimited with the old version of Blade Flurry
The old version of Blade Flurry was a CD that provide cleave and haste. The current devs trying to cover up their sloppy pruning have turned it into a mindless cone.
I will reply tho this as soon as I donate to Asmon/Preach and see what they think about it
Also, art team and grizzly hills good
huh what do you mean?
Blade Storm has gone from having immunity to not having immunity to back to having immunity. But you are right it is a fantasy of doing super human damage all around you.
But at this point what has happened is the current devs don’t understand why WoW classic classes are more popular than retail.
They see Rogues sapping targets and thinking that this type of game play will return with M+? Yeah right give me a break!
M+ is still going to promote go go go game play. The AoE cap effectively makes doing content at lower levels, harder, more time consuming and also impacts how you can your approach that content in a negative way.
How do you know of this? do you have a source? do you see the future? do you have any experience developing a successful video game to make such a claim?
or did ya read it on reddit?
I see the idea that m+ is “gogogo” all the time. It’s really not. If anything, non-timed, low-level dungeons are run way faster lol. M+ just has be done efficiently, there’s no “hurry” at all. You go as fast as you go, and that’s pretty much it.