AOE and Auto Looting?

I understand why people don’t want AoE loot but I really feel like it’s a necessity for some of us. I get pain in both hands/wrists and if it gets really bad it moves up my forearms. Usually I’m fine if I don’t go over board with computer usage (work and home) so most days it’s a non issue.

But it’s a typical overuse injury so pain is brought on by quick, repetitive movements. Spam clicking mobs to loot them is exactly the sort of thing that - after doing this repeatedly every day for a while, is going to make my hands hurt. I work 8 hours a day at a computer so this is something that would - and in the past has - affected my ability to work.

Without AoE looting I’d have to either avoid farming in that way (which is absurd) or just not play the game at all.

I would love if people would support AoE looting just for those of us who are prone to hand pain. I don’t want to have to not play Classic simply because of poor game design decisions.

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You can set up a key macro that imitates left-click+loot all. Easier to just mouse over a target and then press a key which can be a light touch with the right keyboard.

How do I do that?

I know this isn’t a response that the average millenial wants to hear, but maybe if a hobby exacerbates an injury to the point you can’t work, you should look at a different hobby. Not just talking about AOE Looting, but in general, RSI sufferers should be aiming to minimise computer time outside of work.

Can’t tell you on the spot, as I don’t remember much of the macro commands (haven’t played since 2011) but I know it can be done.

Appearently, the new interface allows for mouse-over interaction. Since we likely gets the new interface, it should be easy to just bind a key to “Interact with Mouseover” and you should be set.

Otherwise, ask in the macro forum when the game launches. There is usually a macro nerd who should be able to tell you :slight_smile:

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That’s why blizz needs to provide controller support.

While in vanilla it would be quite a bit harder, as you needed a lot more keys during your moving around, even being able to use a controller to run from zone to zone would be a godsend.

It’s one of my favorite aspects of ESO on the PC. I can play with the controller until I need full functionality, then I put it down on my desk and use the keys.

Blizz really should offer the same.

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Why is this even a topic? I mean you actually think you’re going to be killing enough mobs at a time for it even matter.

When I’m farming silk cloth on my L60? You betcha. An L30 mob is still trivial at 60.

Yes. I absolutely will be doing that.

This brings me around to AoE looting. I’d prefer not to have but it’s not a big deal, so if it prevents injury then I’m okay with it.

Wouldn’t be for or against it but it would be nice to make auto loot a option in the menu rather then a hold shift.

#NoChanges ! If we add AOE looting then we can also add transmogs !

Back in Vanilla there was no AOE looting.

However, my recollection is Vanilla did have auto-loot. Hold the shift key down as you click a corpse to automatically loot everything on it. I think that feature was in-game at Vanilla’s launch and is still in-game today.

As convenient as AOE looting is in Retail, I agree it should not be in Classic. It’s little things like this that will help players to feel like they’re playing a game from 14 years ago and not just Retail with worse graphics.

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There were times when a patrolling mob was closing in on you, and you had to pick which item you would loot before you would scoot.

If they use dynamic respawn, they’ll need AOE looting, but I hope there’s not implementations of either.

i’m cool with both of those. thanks for the options!

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Me too :slight_smile: Let’s do it !

  • AOE loot
  • Transmog

Feel free to add to this list

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Add a slope, with oil.

  • AOE loot
  • Transmog
  • Sharding at entry zones
  • WoW Tokens to prevent gold farmers.
  • PvP xp (to prevent twinks from staying forever in a bracket)
  • Mods like postman and equip prepare added to UI.
  • Randomized and increased spawn rates of critical high level mats (lotus, thorium)
  • Toggle for updated models
  • Blood elves (though no paladins – just to even out faction pops)

/em sits back with a bag of popcorn :smiley: .

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