AOE and Auto Looting?

Also :slight_smile:

  • Ilvl
  • Achivements
  • Scaling of mobs with player level
  • Scalling of mobs with ilvl
  • Some kind of artefact to grind
  • Weeklly chest
  • Scholomance M+


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I never used it, I never toggled it on. I have this thing about wanting to look at the things I pick up before I put them in my bags.

Throws an explosive trap on both of you


Ice blocks

Edit : But no joking, if 5 years from now they add M+ concept for 5 men donjons, I’ll be so happy ! (Loot caped at Tier 2 for example)

That made my afternoon :smiley: .

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Shift looting was always in Vanilla.

Not in Vanilla, nor will this exist in Classic WoW because it’s actually kinda sorta a little game breaking in some regard.

Yeah, suppose I shoulda been more specific.

I Shift-clicked if I had lots of bag space and didn’t wanna worry about small things, but stopped when my bags were in their last few spots.

“Read the thread and the opinion changes over the course of the discussion”

If they got rid of the speed running element by removing the timer I’d be ok with that. I like the idea of increasing difficulty but adding the timer removes a lot of the fun. But current iteration of M+? Please no let’s not.

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100% agreed, M+ is a neat idea but the speed run element is just boring as hell. After a certain point it really does come down to what AE classes that you bring…

After that it’s no longer intresting at all.

I would be very interested in a completion mode; THAT would be an epic experience.

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Mythic+ is great.

Back in Vanilla, after hitting level 60 I ran dungeons heavily for about 4-6 weeks. That’s about how long it took to get the BiS dungeon gear in just about every slot.

After that I was done with dungeons. There was no reason to ever go back there except maybe for resist gear. It was obsolete content.

In Retail, Mythic+ helps keep this otherwise obsolete content relevant. You can still get upgrades from Mythic+ even as a progression raider fully decked out in raid gear. It’s a big improvement to the game.

However, Classic is about looking backwards and “the Vanilla Experience”. Mythic+ is a great idea, but it was not in Vanilla and definitely should not be in Classic.

Want to play Mythic+? … play it in Retail.

Well no the rapidly increasing gear levels is a huge issue in Retail and M+ is a big part of that problem. I definitely don’t want to see that in Classic. I do like the idea of repeatable content though and having a reason to go back to those dungeons. So yea it’d have to be something different.

I’m fine with auto-loot since I held down shift 99.99% of the time in Vanilla anyway. I’m not a big fan of AOE loot but it’s not the end of the world if they add in a toggle.