AOE and Auto Looting?

So auto loot is bad if it has a toggle? pretty pants on head argument against it.

Personally if they just go with the automated auto loot of click to loot from retail it won’t bother me.
But aoe loot stays the heck out


I can see that happening because from what I know mail times wont be affected but I do believe they said we’d be able to mail multiple items at once so I can see auto loot being in for the same reasons especially since all where doing is eliminating the need to hold shift when looting a mob.

Actually, the post was a question. Thus the ?

And if you’d read any of the later posts, discussing it, you’d see:

The thing you’re identifying was the statement that the “Open All” button would not be removed, even though it was added multiple expansions later. Though 12 item mail was added in TBC not Vanilla.

Thank you for the clarification I knew it was something to do with the mail but wasn’t sure on the specifics of it.

I still think they’ll leave it in for the same reason of “we could make the change but we’re not to focus on getting core game mechanics right” which I don’t believe opening your mail 1x1 and holding shift while you right click are core game mechanics.

Quite probably. And if they leave the auto-loot toggle in, the purist in me will sigh, but if they include AOE loot, the purist will rage.

Also, I checked and it was TBC for 12 items of mail, but I’m guessing the same “An addon could do it” would apply like it does for Open Mail.

Yeah I am definite 100% no aoe loot.

But would like to see toggle auto-loot being auto-loot itself existed just required shift-clicking instead of clicking. Wouldn’t bother me either way.

I never stopped doing this. My brother switched to autoloot, but my habit of holding shift never went away.

What about ‘looterang’? Or was that later? I never played engineer.

Ion said it during the classic panel. I’ll try to find the video

There has been no statement on this.

I thought you meant AOE auto looting like you kill 4 mobs at once and it looks them all, it’s sorta funny me and my friend got into an argument about it, think’s it’s QOL change while i think it’s just more immersive and adds to the danger of the the world, every second you’re not looking over your shoulder in STV is another second that UD rogue is gonna shank you.

I’m all for auto loot, since it really just saves you holding shift which is an ergonomic advantage. I much prefer to avoid using the shift key as much as possible to avoid RSI.

AoE looting is a different story, it simplifies the gameplay in a slight but meaningful way. It’ll allow AoE farmers to pull in even more gold per hour, and removes the element of danger sometimes associated with looting the corpses of runners. I wouldn’t be too turned off by it, it’s not a big deal, but whereas auto loot is an easy and enthusiastic yes from me, AoE loot is a soft no.

No AoE looting for sure. That would be game breaking for Skinner’s.

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So you want them to leave out a toggle which changes a keybind? If it’s defaulted to how it worked in vanilla, who cares if it’s an option?

As a long time no changer I have to say this is a stupid thing to demand.

Correct, it wasn’t in vanilla. But it has no impact on the vanilla experience. So who cares?

With the bag space premium, why on earth would you even WANT that?

I have no issue with toggle for right click looting all.
AOE can stay in retail.

As stated, auto-loot was in Vanilla but I honestly don’t care if they add automatic auto-loot at all. However, I really hope AoE loot doesn’t make it into the game, and this is coming from a mage main.

This is what I’m thinking, AoE loot would be overkill but simple auto-loot would just keep me from wearing out my shift button and make it easier to play both Classic and Retail without having to change muscle memory.

Read the thread. There have been changes in position since the original post…