AOE and Auto Looting?

you talking about the demo? the demo was intended for classes and mobs not all the features so people can remember how the game played back then.
Maulbox auto loot wont be there in live version of classic.

The Open All was specifically called out as going to remain in the Classic client. Rewatch Ion in the 2018 Classic Panel.

Was gonna say I remember them saying that too.

I hope they don’t take out the toggle, just seems dumb and like they said its something that can easily be done by an addon.

I actually would like AoE looting as well, but shrink the radius to something small like 3 or 5 yards so if you AoE a pack down you dont have to loot all the corpses in a pile but if they are spread out at all then you have to loot them all.

#NoChanges! #ExceptTheGoodOnes! :wink:


Auto loot I can live with because meh… it still takes a few moments to open the loot and then put it in your bags.

AoE loot is a no-go for me because it removes an element of danger of trying to loot corpses in a camp that you just cleared and now the mobs are starting to respawn forcing you to decide what’s worth more, the loot, or the repair bill you’re gonna get if you get attacked by several respawns.


Amusing thing about this, given the other discussion(s) on addons - there was an addon in vanilla named AutoLoot that became defunct when Blizzard added the interface toggle in patch 2.0.1.

Never encountered it. Though probably why the toggle was introduced.

AOE looting isn’t necessary in Vanilla

I’m just worried about people looting the Core Hounds, smh

I’m kind of okay with whatever way this happens. However, I think Blizzard has indicated they are really putting effort into making it as close to a Vanilla experience as possible.

Don’t PuG MC. Guilds/Formed Raids can discipline their members.

:roll_eyes: How about we just make every aspect of the game a toggle.

definitely no AOE

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Auto-Loot yes, since its basically just the same as vanilla holding shift. No sense in recoding that part of the API.

AoE Loot, No. there is nothing like this is Vanilla.

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PUGing MC as a Tank/Raid Leader is a right of passage. You are playing the game on easy mode until you do it.

Sure, and I did on our backup raid group “Two Spoons”, but I still yelled at people to loot the core hounds :joy: Having to tell them to loot is also a rite of passage.

And man it was a difference of perspective, from a Raid Lead Healing Druid, to a Rogue who’d only have raid directional input when there was drama

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blizzard already said u will be able to toggle auto loot but there will be no aoe loot

Do you have a Source link?

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no, sorry. i don’t even remember where i heard them say it but it was around blizzcon time so maybe in the panel or one of the water coolers shortly after.

Auto loot was in vanilla, you just had to hold down shift while looting.

The “Auto-Loot” toggle setting was added in 2.0.1. Holding down Shift to loot everything on click is fine.