Anyway to get around dragon riding?

I mean, if that’s the case, you definitely suck at it, and that’s alright. Expansion hasn’t been live even 24 hours. Its new to everyone. Just practice a bit, get the glyphs, and you’ll be fine.

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I play the same way as you. DR is not easy with the touchpad. Add in that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands and it too much dragonriding is going to make for a very bad day. I do have friends I play with the enabled the passenger mode so if I need I can just grab a ride with them but there are going to be times they aren’t on. I’ve yet to try the new dungeons because of the dragonriding mechanic in the one since random groups can be very unforgiving.


Where would this be? Kind enough to show a pic of where it can be found? I would look myself, but currently at work. If you’re unable to provide a pic then shut up since you’re not being helpful. That’s towards the second part of your comment. :blush:

The part you keep cropping so you can try to make it look bad? Ok.

I’ve been using it since it was available to the best of my ability and don’t like it. I probably could have squeezed in a few more levels if I hadn’t been trying to figure out DR. It’s tolerable enough at this point, but I dislike it enough that I’ll definitely play less overall because of it.

If I need to go buy a desk, monitor & chair, and move to a different room so I can’t be around anyone else when I play, and have to relearn how to do everything else in game just to use DR that’s ridiculous.


no the part where you literally say you have a mouse and just dont want to use it. You say nothing of having any actual issues other than ‘i dont want to’ but sure totally not entitled…

Your not using anything to the best of your ability by your literal own admission.

literal entitlement /thread



This is a bad move by BlizZard if true.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Like…What the heck is so hard about it? Is it the fact that you cant just afk fly now and you have to push 1?


Yeah, not being willing to spend a ton of money to setup a different room and isolate from my family to play when I’ve never needed to in the whole life of wow is pretty reasonable IMO. Still nothing entitled about giving feedback about what I prefer, especially since I’m using the current system anyway.


They are not changing their target audience lol. Not to sound bad saying this but ease of access players were never blizzards target audience lol

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They flushed a TON of resources on making a new flight system that for many (not all, certainly) is a worse experience than what they had before. All because of Ion’s hateb**** for flying since WoD. Image that. It is quite literally a solution to a problem that exists exclusively in one person’s mind.


because buying one of those laptop fake desks with the pillow underneath it is such a burden. or buying one of those things you can use to eat in front of a tv on a couch…

your entitled and have a first world problem


My personal dislike of DR aside, I think more people probably enjoy it than not, which is all the more reason both could have been available considering the drawbacks of old flying vs DR

Got used to it very fast with Soar. I like Dragonriding personally, though I obviously don’t speak for everyone.

I think what is happening is that BlizZard sees a lion share of former WoW players playing GW or both GW and WoW at the same time. So that explains peculiar changes like making systemland zones disconnected and self contained or having a gliding system like Guild Wars has.

BlizZard is trying to pull back those players but they are moving WoW more towards MMO like GW and a lot less like a MMORPG that WoW used to be.

Same reason probably why they are forcing scaling changes that do not fit into most of WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Some of you have never gone end to end on your griffon in Lornar’s Pass and it shows.

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I know this is difficult for you to do, but think real hard about the fact that I’ve had almost 20 years to try those. Be careful though, don’t let your head explode.

Seriously, why is is such a problem for you to accept the idea that people just want other stuff and it wouldn’t bother you at all? I’ve never asked for DR to be removed or changed. I’ve stated several times that I’m sure most people prefer it and I’m glad for them. I might even enjoy it if basic arrow controls work like most old flight sims (not sure if new ones still use them)


If people wont use the new system if you give them the option to use the old system then they have monumentally failed at creating a system. Purely from a control/maneuverability standpoint it is worse than the old system, it’s even worse than the mounts they copied it from in GW2.

Lowest friction always wins out in MMOs. I reiterate - DR is literally a solution no one asked for to a problem that only exists in someone’s head.


This is forced game play , i get motion sickness from this as well as just dislike it. But the mantra of " The Devs know best " will stick and this will be forced on us who dont want it and we will struggle entire expac and sadly prob beyond


Do you have no arms?

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Forced Gameplay.

lmao go outside.