Anyway to get around dragon riding?

It has to be this way.

In practical terms “regular” flying lets you hover anywhere, go up/down/left/right at will, auto run afk, no restrictions at all. If implemented then no one will use dragon riding because it’s worse in all practical terms despite being obviously more fun.

It’s really no choice at all if both are implemented together. People will just revert to the optimal solution and then dragon riding gets thrown in the dumpster.


If that’s true, Blizz whiffed hard by spending all that time and money on an overwhelmengly worse system instead of doing something productive with it.


Sometimes with devolvement of a product, a feature some think is cool, others do not. I don’t like it, it feels like a ripoff of the the batman games. and if I want to be batman, I’d play those games.


yea, walking.

because having only one arm is a git gud issue. how about you get off the forums?


I think there are ways to get sort of taxied around with someone else. I really like it so definitely if anyone ever needed me to taxi them I am a very fast flyer!!!


Regular flying > Dragon Riding >>>>> No flying

If this is the alternative to waiting a year to fly, I am taking it.


I for one want to be able to use my other flying mounts. I did not spend years trying to unlock or farm rare mounts I like to not be able to use them in the whole of a new expansion. Players should have a way to use regular flying mounts if they want to just as a choice option.

Otherwise I completed dragonriding in about an hour with the proper addons. Its a mixed bag. Sometimes it is fun sometimes I sit on a mountain with 5 other people doing nothing buy waiting which is rather stupid. Just give people options


i had a bumpy time trying to complete the evoker opening quests. for some reason i couldnt fly myself through the rings so i got frustrated and was like bleh. but i think my issue was mainly with the mouse i use. I gave myself time to breath and tried it again and it wasnt bad go through everything. ive been flying around with dragon riding and it is fun but i can understand someone having trouble maneuvering around with it.


That’s another Anno issue, I finally got Onyxia to drop the mount and I can’t even use it in DL. Big sad.


There can be no “options”.

In practical terms “regular” flying lets you hover anywhere, go up/down/left/right at will, auto run afk, no restrictions at all. If implemented then no one will use dragon riding because it’s worse in all practical terms despite being obviously more fun.

It’s really no choice at all if both are implemented together. People will just revert to the optimal solution and then dragon riding gets thrown in the dumpster.


Not necessarily. The most optimal solution for any situation is whatever solution gets you from Point A to Point B faster. I don’t see regular flying as undermining dragon riding in that sense because it’s a trade-off: With regular flying, you don’t have to deal with the mechanics but you’re never going to get to the speed you could achieve with dragon riding. Vice versa, dragon riding promises you speed at a level unseen prior to its implementation, but getting there requires mastery of the system.

The only thing that regular flying undermines is how dragon riding progression is incorporated into the open world design. Dragon riding progression is intrinsic to exploration and traversal. Certain items are deliberately designed as being difficult to get to, forcing you to experiment with your approach and perhaps, in some cases, requiring you to obtain items elsewhere and revisiting at a later point.

If you implement regular flying in that equation, all of the environmental puzzles associated with dragon riding are thrown out the window because you can just hover up to the item and grab it. I would argue that regular flying’s exclusion is contingent on this characteristic than anything else.


Some people post via their Classic characters so that they do not get harassed in retail.

Some people do not pay attention to which character is logged into the forums.

Other reasons.


It is part of the progression, like all the borrowed power systems it will take some effort to level up and be more useful.

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your so smart like people can not play both versions. go touch grass your brain isnt working kid

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As it will be, at the very latest, when 11.0 arrives, DR is dead.

I can outlive it, most likely…

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It’s also way faster in these large zones. That’s a huge advantage over old flying.

People in the beta were saying that with everything unlocked, most of the short flight issues were addressed, so that’ll also make DR better for everything but hovering, which is a pretty small issue since you can’t progress in the game while hovering.

Or, your original statement is right and Blizz just made a way worse system. (Also not impossible considering their quality of work lately)


No we are not allowed to use regular flying because very few people will use DR if they do not have to.

I am thinking about a challenge mode where you take a character as far as you can without completing the DR acquisition questline… Its something to do while we wait for Blizzard to yield.

No natural fliers allowed…no DH/Evokers, it would be cheating. :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on how the system is received. If Preach’s video is anything to go by, Blizzard builds their expansions off of the previous expansion’s successes. That’s why we got AP-like grinds in BfA and SL because Legion was a hit with most people at launch.

Right now, public sentiment seems to be generally positive about dragon riding and Blizzard has expressed interest about implementing it throughout the entire world.

Again, this isn’t true. There are benefits to using dragon riding over regular flying.


open the map by using your ground mount and finding all the flight points

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