Anyone won the love rocket on an alt today?

Its once per day at 1% then its .0001%

Citation needed.


Again, that’s what it was last year. Nobody has confirmed what you said this time around.


If no one said anything i would assume its the same lol, otherwise they would announce it

They did announce a change in the news post I linked.


Read the language on the heart shaped box. It says once per day you have a chance at rare rewards. Last year it did not say that.

You know what they say about assuming.


Lol you guys, once per day on that toon lmao

Wrong. It literally says per warband.


Well have fun getting it now, lol… i got mine

Exactly. That’s what I wanted you to say.

Never were trying to help contribute to this thread.


I submitted a ticket trying to get clarification. The first response did not even answer the question so I sent it back with some different wording. I’ll update here if I get a straight answer. I hope they didn’t limit it to once per day. As much as I hate the grind it goes against everything mount farming stands for lol.


GMs are notoriously incompetent and have been since Cata. They don’t make the rules, and don’t have time to chase someone down who could answer but also doesn’t have time to bother with them.

Wowhead articles are similarly incompetent and un-authoritative. Their strength is in datamining, nothing more.

Text on the Heart-Shaped Box is the only information coming direct from the designers, and it has specifically changed to say first only. THAT is the only source that matters. It might still be wrong, but there’s no hope of anyone else in the chain guessing correctly.


Thank you so much.

Yes you can guess it: The very first character did NOT get it. Now its time to grind the remaining 49 for the night.


Thanks!! lol luckily I don’t have another 49 but enough to try a few more times with.

Don’t bother.

A GM has confirmed that it is one chance per day for mount. Other rewards available that are not mounts on subsequent tries.

I can’t post links but from Reddit/wow someone posted a screenshot of a GM confirming one chance per day.

https ://


Drop rate sucks so bad that as a 20 year player I still don’t have it


Im a 13 year subscriber and i havent gotten it either.

In fact, the rarest mount i have are the raid cheevos, Swift Hawk and Anzu. I think Mail muncher also counts as very rare now?

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CMs / Devs should post that kind of information in a blue post here if it’s legit, but they don’t comunicate too much.

For example, the last blue post with Community Council was back in September 2024 and that suppouse to be the forum section for discussion between players and Devs…

The lack of communication feels like times before the lawsuits.


I’m on round 3 with them not giving me a straight answer so my hopes are not high but I will keep trying :upside_down_face: