You’re talking about people that just “look and say ‘nice mog.’” And yep, I agree.
But the people that are all butt-hurt and nerd-raging over YOU DIDDDDNT EARRRNNNNN THAT!@11111 I GOT THAT FIRST!1111 … oh buddy, you can and better BELIEVE those people are looking your stuff up. lol
If you don’t believe that, you’ve never had it happen to you. Well… I have. lol LOTS of times. And the joke is always on them because, as I was saying before, I’m a pretty hardcore collector and I DO have all of that stuff.
All while keeping my own pov neutral(idc either way about exclusivity)
I have CM’s , MT’s , end of expansion stuff and more in wow , and i have more in real life . Thing is , i didnt buy or get all of them because they were exclusive , i got them because i like them .
If you’d ask me if id feel anything if you could also get all of this ? I wouldnt bat an eye , my things are my things , so what if you also have them , Just hope that you enjoy them as much as i do !
I don’t care about anyone else getting access to it
I have the Fel Drake.
Add back TCG rewards to Hearthstone.
I have Of The Black Harvest.
Add back Kanrethad as it should be and let any warlock get it if they overcome hard mode Kanrethad.
I have various Anniversary stuff.
Add all of it back to an anniversary vendor available only on new Anniversaries.
I don’t care.
I even have originals of real life famous artists (a few Volti pieces). I have limited editions or first editions as an antique book collector.
None of it means anything because of its exclusivity but because I enjoy the art and think the books are pretty and deserve a home.
Reopen mage tower, let anyone get the old appearances, and unlearn the toxic gameplay you have internalized because of these ridiculous systems the devs have created.
And I want nothing more than for everyone who wanted it to have gotten it as well. The only thing seperating us was I was a little faster on my computer and I think that’s crap!
The whole way we do pre-orders is wrong!!!
Anyway, physical goods are so different from digital ones. There is no supply or logistics here to consider - Its all fake!!! Let everyone have it.
I have the MoP CM set for DK and the pandaren phoenix mounts. I got them because I like them and I use them for the same reason. I feel bad when someone asks how I got the pandaren phoenix mounts and have to tell them the mounts are no longer available. I would be happy if they were available again even if it didn’t require too much effort these days. Players being able to get things they like is a good thing. FOMO (such as limited time items) is not.
It would make me happier to see other players happy to be able to get the items they want the most instead of having to disappoint people when they see me on the mount that I use simply because I like that mount.
Like… as a collector, isn’t the ENTIRE POINT to see other people with that item and now you know you have a common bond! You share a love of this thing, you both worked to get it, it’s something you can share/talk about/ etc TOGETHER!
It creates … +wait for it+ … COMMUNITY.
You know, that thing everyone rages that WoW sorely lacks.
Community? You mean that thing that isn’t toxic in other MMOs, including one that just brought back a super-popular unobtainable as part of a seasonal event, and nobody is using /spit on people who are putting in the effort to get that vehicular mount?
My head on straight? Come on, don’t be a jerk. You can sit there and berate people all day, ignore the fact they don’t mind you getting some loots, and then act surprised and act like that. That’s just a cheap move.