Anyone whining about limited time (ie Mage tower) think of your own collectibles

First, yes I’m sure someone will mock comparing real life to a game… but we’re talking silly non-essential real life stuff not important necessities.

For anyone who wants the original mage tower skins back, or the black mount frim AQ, etc are you saying you don’t have any limited edition stuff?

You don’t have Harry Potter wand 113/1000 or a funko pop only available during Christmas 2018 or a limited edition concert t shirt? How would you feel if I could order that off of Amazon tomorrow?


People who want the original skins back just don’t understand the concept of rarity and meaningful reward.

They think the skins will still be cool if everyone have them. They wouldn’t. The game is full of very good looking easy to get weapons that nobody cares of.

Edit : And just so you know, I’m all for adding alternate/recolored versions of MT skins. I think keeping the old versions exclusive and adding new versions is the best compromise.


I don’t have any limited edition stuff.
And wouldn’t care if someone could get it years later off of Amazon even if I did have something.

I feel like people are throwing together hypotheticals and analogies that they don’t fully understand - do not really compare to in-game fomo/items.

There are some arguing that it wouldn’t change anything if Blizz brought it back in it’s original form [the rewards]. Others crying that it won’t be special. And others who think it’s some participation trophy for just entering MT or logging in.

This whole hot topic is absolutely stupid IMO.


I’m a hardcore collector (physical and digital stuff from WoW), and I’ve LONG been outspoken for my point of view and STILL STAND BY IT:

After 5 years … open it up. Doesn’t matter what it is. It’s had its time. To cling to some item 5 years later is to tell the Devs “don’t bother making anything new… this is the BEST YOU CAN DO.”

Any Dev worth their salt should be nothing but INSULTED by that claim and strive to make better EVERY DAY. And the best way to prove that? Open up all the old stuff.

As for your LUDICROUS claim about physical goods… I love my Blizzard statues as much as I can love some plastic thing. How do I know it’s rare? Maybe everyone on my street has one? WHAT FLIPPING DIFFERENCE WOULD THAT MAKE???

The only people that value their things based on the opinions of other people having those things… are called: middle-schoolers.


I honestly wouldn’t really care, because I would have that for my own enjoyment, and other people having it doesn’t really affect that.

I personally don’t have what “collector” items I have for their rarity or whatever. I get them because I think they look neat.


I actually consider all the money I spent on collectibles to be a complete and total waste and if I could liquidate all of them for only what I paid for them I’d gladly do it. Worst decisions of my life were going into credit card debt over bits of “rare” plastic.

A rich guy once told me if it’s marketed as collectible, it’ll never be worth anything. Too bad I spent over a grand on obscure japanese toys that no one will ever want because they aren’t MIB after an accident marred up the boxes in the mail. I got a partial refund but I’ll never get all my money back out of them.

God I hate collectibles. If I’d just held my 1995 magic card collection I’d be a literal millionaire too, so I only hold stuff that doesn’t appreciate and short sell stuff that does, I cannot win and should really just stop.

Buying things, collectible or otherwise, does not make me happy, don’t be like me and beat your head against the wall for 20 years figuring that out.


I can do that though.

Name any collectible and you should be able to find that thing on eBay.

Unless you’re talking about rare art. You can get that too, but it’ll cost ya big.




People who think like this are just sad. Imagine a digital item you don’t even own being the pinnacle of your collection. So much so, that you would actually defend this imaginary object that you are renting to be refused to other people.


I don’t have any junk like that, no.

Not at all.

Happy for you. Go ahead and order two. Really live it up.


I would feel fine about it. Limited edition items are dumb, its just falsely inflating the value of the item for no reason. There is nothing stopping them doing another run and selling 1000 more harry potter wands, the moulds are still functional, the materials are still available fore next to nothing, they could make 100000 more and charge less but its more profitable to make 1000 and charge a premium.

These are digital items there is no limit to how many could be created. If i see someone wearing a skin i earned, it does not take away from mine or devalue it, i know what i had to do to earn it and if you got it easier then i feel sorry you didnt get to have the fun challenge i did, but glad you got to look cool too.


I don’t care if i do or don’t, I get things i like, i don’t get thing because they are limited edition, Someone having what i love means we can share in the enjoyment.

I don’t get people that are only happy if they can deny someone else, what kind of weak mindset gets off an other people going without.

if the only thing that makes your thing special is exclusivity then its trash, or you don’t respect it to begin with.


Weird how I can like my mage tower skins and like them even if everyone else has them. It’s almost like someone else having it doesn’t actually reduce how much I like them.


Or businessmen. There is an entire industry surrounding the collectables market. But here’s the thing, when they re-issue something, it is marked as such. There is only one run of first edition books, for example, and a mass printing is not the same as a numbered litho.

So I say, let everyone win, bring it back (since there is no tangible value to the skins as we cannot sell them) but let all the original players get an achievement to mark that they have the first edition skins. You know, from back in the day, where we traveled uphill both ways to get them. ~.^


And personally, I’m glad when someone else has it too.


When the mage tower came out, they stated right away that they would eventually go away forever. Maybe people don’t know what that means. It sure seems like it, based on all the crying posts about it all over the forums.


This imaginary object like you say has been the subject of quite some topics. I wonder why so many people care about an imaginary object you’re right.

I once felt the same way… then Invincible dropped. Then I was like “It’s mine!! All mine! hehehe”

It should be about skill in achieving something. No one but yourself cares when you got something. It’s the skill that it takes to get it, and scaling can achieve that. Just look at FF14. One of the coolest parts of that game is you can do back to old content, get power synced down, and still get cool stuff.


The only people making a fuss are the ones that want to gatekeep these items from the rest of the playerbase. You aren’t special for having them. People do not look upon you with awe when you wield it. Hate to burst your bubble.