Anyone whining about limited time (ie Mage tower) think of your own collectibles

No, this is my current main.

Not sure how it’s relevant, but sometimes real life interferes with gaming time. This is one of those situations where FOMO can be really frustrating, as you either have to shirk important responsibilities during that period to get something you really want in a game, or you miss out.

ty. You’ll notice I stopped on the first guy (possible they’re the SAME PERSON!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!!) lol

It’s fine. It’s GD. Report them and move on. :stuck_out_tongue:

It was just… at first… he was kinda sorta making an argument. I didn’t agree with him, but a point of discussion was at least there.

And then… the crazy took over. lol

Ohh thats awesome.

Ok, I read your full post. But you are still ignoring the fact that after 5 years people can’t go back and farm Glad mounts - so what are you saying, after 5 years they open everything up - or just target the MT stuff?

At this point, I’d support Bliz bringing back the original MT rewards if they’d stop turning women into fruit.

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This is why we need a post of the day. It needs to appear on the top of the forum.

LOL yeah, that’s quite the purge going on. Where it ends, who knows.

I have never understood why people feel the need to collect useless things. I think I’ll go and research that…

Yeah, because if the MT had originally awarded cloaks, we’d be having this conversation right?

Real life happened to me and I found a way to do both. I’m sorry for whatever your circumstances may have been, but that’s not Blizzard’s fault, and is not their responsibility to accommodate that.

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You seem to have missed the main difference, that being that having a limited physical item that only had so many made makes sense. Having a limited amount of a digital item that can be reproduced effectively unlimited number of times is silly and fake.

Things are not removed to make them special for the people that have them, they are removed to create a feeling that if you stop playing you might miss something and never be able to get it again.

This is called Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO for short. It is a cheap way to try and retain users during content gaps. The problem is that players that are really bothered by FOMO leave when they fall behind because they know they can never complete their sets, so the system actively works against the game after enough time. It is a short term plan to retain players that causes more player lose long term.

Also I think its funny that so many people only value these things only because less people have them than because they like the thing.


Well when it’s a digital item that can be replicated endlessly, of course the only way to attribute value to it is to make it rare.

And yes, they market time-limited rewards to incentivise people to play - and yes, the scarcity is artificial. But you think it’s fair to retroactively resile on the promises Blizzard made to players when they marketed that item? Fair I suppose to a person that doesn’t have it, not so fair to people that relied on that in good faith.

I suppose if they want to stop doing that in the future, they will - but I don’t think it’s right they reneg on what’s already been done. I also note, you rarely see complaints about the other time limited items, just the MT gets all the poisonous envy and vitriol. So is that fair, to target one of the very few solo prestige items this game offers?

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lol NOW you did? lol well, that’s great. I’ll be sure to have a meaningful discussion with you another day, but it won’t be this day. No thanks, Lucy. Keep your football.

I’ll end with: Glad mounts ON THE SURFACE seem to pose a different discussion. But if you break it down a bit, I contend that it is a difference without a distinction. I don’t think you should just be able to spend this season’s currency to buy an old mount. Just as I don’t think you should just be able to walk up and get ANYTHING without putting some sort of effort into it.

I’m not arguing to just GIVE STUFF AWAY.

I’m just saying: somehow … someway… some way that’s not tied to just PAYING GOLD … a path should be made available for EVERYTHING. Maybe some stuff only needs 1 year? Some 5? SOME TEN??!! It’s open for discussion, as I see it.

But SOMEHOW… SOMEWAY … open it all up. I think @Apple’s post sums it up nicely.

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I will concede partially, on this - the appearances in the MT were truly unique - truly distinctive, so much so in fact, there’s no real counterpart to be found in the game for some of them.

I think in this situation, the fairest, best move, would have been to offer all a recolour of all of the appearances. It gives people an opportunity to get these truly unique items and people that have them a nifty recolour.

That to me is totally fair and I think doable. And I hope they reconsider and do that, more people would be happy, more people would want to engage with the new MT and it wouldn’t hurt anything already established.


Achv timestamp is what makes an infinitely duplicated item special. You know EXACTLY WHEN it was obtained. And, for collectors in the game, that means something.

Even things like AOTC titles… people that are REALLY INTO THAT JUNK will look and see WHEN you got it-- before or after nerfs, etc to see if you REALLY EARNED IT.

edit: even further on this point: They’ll look you up and see if you have 1 kill and know you paid for a carry, or if you have many, many kills and actually worked your way through the raid. The examples of how Achvs detail REAL INFO is endless.

Achvs (and the timestamp) are what makes digital items special. Not the items themselves.


they’ve always added exclusive items to the game in seasonal forms. I wouldn’t call challenge mode, or pvp items/mounts a FOMO tactic at all…actually, the game had really nice sub numbers in those days.

maybe in the more modern versions it is, but it’s totally fine to have limited edition in MMO’s. I think AOTC is a FOMO tactic if anything, so that should be the first to go…give everyone access to AOTC mounts for sure if you want to move in that direction. but if it’s a seasonal thing, that is meant to represent a trophy of that particular season, there’s no reason to bring it back. they actually counter balance this by having seasonal rewards in every single expansion…

I have more elite sets than I can care to count, pvp enchants, cm stuff, ect ect.

If it means I can get the other removed stuff I want, I don’t care.
It’s only when they pick and choose what’s allowed to remain exclusive it’s annoying.

Bring it all back.

Life is full of limited time stuff. The vocal minority needs to move on. It’s done and over with.

Ask for new content next expansion with recolors of the MT weapons.


Nobody stops and looks at the date stamp of your achievement in game really, they look at your mog. I’m just being practical here. The mog, the look - is the big deal.


Shrug. He asked me why, and I answered his question.

I think this is why FOMO gets so many people annoyed though, in that it can set up situations where you have to sacrifice things in real life to avoid missing out on something you really want in a game.

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