Anyone whining about limited time (ie Mage tower) think of your own collectibles

It’s nice some of you don’t care - but some do. You don’t speak for everybody.

I literally could not care less.

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Nor do those who do care.

WoW may be an old game, but there are always new generations of gamers coming into the equation. How many will be encouraged to play WoW when they find out something they really wanted isn’t available anymore, that they never had a chance to even try to get it?

People have ended attempts to get into games over less. The long-term health of the game is improved by not removing content.

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It seems like there’s a fundamental difference in how (or indeed whether) people value exclusivity. For some (e.g. some collectors), it’s hugely important. For others, they couldn’t care less about exclusivity — they just want to be able to transmog their character in the way they like.

I understand both viewpoints, and neither is wrong or invalid… but for the mage tower appearances, the second type of person cannot be satisfied without burning the first type of person.

So, from the standpoint of fairness, the original mage tower appearances cannot be made available again. For better or worse, an intrinsic promise of exclusivity was made by Blizzard to its customers for those appearances to only be available during a certain period. That period has now passed.

While this is unsatisfying to the second type of person, they weren’t deceived in any way. No promise of future availability was made to them at any point, so nothing’s been taken away. To reverse course and make the appearances available again, however, would take away the exclusivity the first type of person values.

And the second type of person doesn’t have the right to tell the first person whether they should find value in exclusivity. That’s important, because it seems to be the source of a lot of the strife in these threads.

Some of you might find the exclusivity of these weapon appearances to be dumb, petty, or otherwise infuriating… but others don’t feel that way, and you don’t have the right to demand that anyone else agree with you. Perhaps you’d be better served asking Blizzard to make new, even better weapon appearances.

There are more important things in my life to worry about than whether or not someone else has access to something I have that I thought was limited edition

Sticking with a limited time reward that was advertised as such is not internalizing anything.

On first pass, I actually agree with you.

HOWEVER, on second pass, it doesn’t hold water. Because one side is making a valid argument. “Why can’t I get that? Why am I not allowed to put in the work to attain this item?”

And the response is: “…because.”

That’s not a valid argument.

And even Blizzard has failed at this very argument. Their official position on this matter is “it’s ok to have rare things.” But they then arbitrarily open up SOME things but not others to be able to attain again.

So why THIS, but not THAT? I’m sorry, but “it’s ok to have rare things” means just that: LEAVE THEM RARE. So as soon as you break that wall down, EVERYTHING behind that wall should come down. Not just 11 things out of 6000. That’s stupid and, as I keep saying, IT DOESN’T ADD ANYTHING AT ALL TO THE GAME. That should ALWAYS be the primary goal: MAKE THE GAME BETTER.

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This is meaningless drivel.

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There is only one group that would be negatively affected by returning all of the removed rewards, those are the people that only value them because some people can’t get them.

Is denying all of the people that weren’t playing when these things were still there in game worth it just to please the people that only care about things because others can’t get it?

Things like glad/M+ mounts should probably be earnable like all pvp mounts after the expansion where they were current same as raid mounts go from 100% drop rates to 1% after their tier is no longer current.

People focus on the Mage Tower rewards because they are very much class/spec thematic and many people do care about their characters looks.


You forgot the other half of that sentence. Because:

Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it’s not there and it’s not a good one. I’m sorry so many people here can’t get over “just some pixels.”

That’s your opinion, the opinion that the pixels should matter to you, but not to me. Got it.

So is the reason you value anything in game because others can’t get it?

if no why does it harm you if others can still earn the rewards?

if yes, than I don’t care about your opinion.

It no longer becomes exclusive if it is farmable. I enjoy the fact I have bragging rights over an exclusive item and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I see you were playing legion in early 2017 - you seem to be an active player, looks like you had the skill and opportunity to get them yourself, but didn’t. So, I don’t really care about your opinion on it.

I wasn’t playing when the Mage Tower was a thing, I quit before it was even hinted at.

Your face is meaningless drivel.

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They are in no position to make deals with the community, especially after the cube crawling disaster and the “sudden” good faith changes. The players deserve better and they can start doing this by making these designs available. Most of the so called people don’t use them anyway. Open them up for all the players.

hence the
“false” part of my false panda rage

Exactly! Like sure you got it as a movie promotion but if they brought back as a gul dan event that would be cool as hell. People wouldn’t be like “Oh bUt WhY dO thEY gEt iT I wAtChEd tHe moViE tHoUgH” because it was just a cosmetic item, and that’s what all of these things are.

Like imagine locking each raid teir and the transmog was just unobtainable afterwards. Half of the games good sets for classes would be unobtainable just because “oh too bad you either didn’t/couldn’t raid then or you weren’t even playing the game”.