Saberons, they run to Ashenvale when left the Orc Mag’har portal at the end of the unlock questline
Some would say you just answered your own question.
Yes I agree. They all feel like they don’t belong besides high mountain and void of elves.
which are just recolored elfs
I think Blizzard needs to realize that the marketing of a third reskin as a “new race” isn’t actually pulling anyone in who isn’t already playing the game. They need to cut it out and just have these additions under the core race’s banner as customization options.
Every single racial addition they’ve made post-MoP should have been a customization option under the original race it’s based off of. The only exception so far would be Vulpera, and that’s not so much because they aren’t based on Goblins – because they 100% are – but because story-wise they’re unrelated, even if the visual skeleton is obvious.
FWIW I don’t really care if we get these kinds of reskins as long as the customization options are fleshed out. But I don’t like how they constantly pretend they’re something they’re not.
Yup allied races are a lazy way to pad the race roster.
Kul Tiran are old and fat people and nobody loves to play old people (as stupid as it sounds). It has to be the Barbie puppet or it’s not good enough for these players. Vulpera are a great race, the Mechagnomes not so much. They are the reason why the Alliance got the fair skin-options for the Void Elves in the first place. Let - that - sink - in.
Leaper Gnomes for the Horde. We’re ready for a race nobody wants to play and enjoy the Alliance experience™.
I love my KTs, and I love my Gnomes.
I can’t ever be bothered to play an elf, because boring and uncreative, the same as playing a human.
They’re just overplayed to me, and none of them stand out, no matter the transmog.
I’m grateful for “ugly” races no one plays, because they are inherently cool to me, plus the added bonus of being unique since no one else wants to play them.
It would be just as if not more criticised, since that would be yet another reskinned elf that we effectively already have twice over.
Actual new races would be preferable over the obvious recycling of aready existing playable races.
I actually agree with this. Re colors of current races are hardly new races.
Well no question about that. The new people would probably be happy with just Humans, Orcs, Elves and Dwarfs. The new races are for the people who have been around for a while and want something new.
In my case I was happy the void elves came along because now I don’t have to play humans to see the Alliance side of the game.
I think OP is confusing “New Races” with “Allied Races”.
Some of them make me roll my eyes but I admit, Void Elves and Dark Iron Dwarves, especially after playing them, are pretty cool.
I want playable murlocs
Yeah I’d rather a new race, like completely new one. Not one we have but with more fire or more magic! Come on lol
I believe I know what we all need. It’s playable Vrykul.
I get why they do it. It’s a time saver and less resource dependent. And I’ll still probably roll an Earthen if I get the expansion for the Heritage Armor.
But man, I’ve been wanting to make an Ogre Mage or Warlock or a Vrykul Warrior for years now and it’s looking like it just isn’t going to happen.
There was a site (cant recall the name) that listed all the various WoW races by numbers played. I think it was done using capped characters, but I imagine it would still provide an interesting statistic. At that time the percentage of allied race characters was in most cases less than 5%. Some of them were like 2%.
So what happens is that people work on opening them for some reason, and then they may create one to play around with the appearances - and then they never get played. Or get deleted. It’s like waving a new toy in front of a child, who grabs it because it is new, and then drops it not long after when the new has worn off.
The only allied races I’ve levelled to cap is Vulpera and Void Elf, and only one of each. The former because I like the look of them and the camp talent is handy, the latter because I also like the look of them and mogging him is fun. The rest are just … me’h. I actually think I prefer Forsaken to Mechagnomes, something I thought I’d never say. At least Forsaken have a long and interesting history.
Only when it comes to elves. No more elves. We have 3 too many. Should have stopped at night elf.