You could easily stop replying at any time, big guy.
If you want to pretend to have the high ground here, feel free to do so!
Maybe next time don’t spout stupid nonsense if you don’t like being called out for it.
You could easily stop replying at any time, big guy.
If you want to pretend to have the high ground here, feel free to do so!
Maybe next time don’t spout stupid nonsense if you don’t like being called out for it.
Or. Orrrrrrrr. You could have never made a response in the first place, made an assumption of what I look at on DeviantArt DESPITE I told you its the quote I have a problem with, call me childish, and declare you do all this for entertainment.
This category includes:
You need to bugger off.
I think, aside from saving a lot of development cost and time, it allows Blizz to slowly give both factions access to all races. Blood elves allowed the Horde to have an elf race that was so popular Blizz eventually had to shoehorn them into the Alliance. Then the Nightborne to the Horde to balance out the NE and have real elves.
I would expect to see this combination of cost savings and species balancing between the factions to continue indefinitely.
Knew you couldn’t help yourself
I am tire of new races period. No more new races for about ten years, please. Maybe rework the current races over that time.
someone actually did the math! but yeah, sadly, it is truth.
Actually, I can’t wait for them in game,for personal reasons of defiance .
And yet it would be infinity more approved than the Earthen. I am really hoping Midnight just adds high elves once and for all!
Yes, I remember when everything about new races were actually new.
Blood Elves and Draenei, Worgen and Goblins, and later Pandaren.
These races were great because everything about them was built from the ground up, nothing was recycled (yet) and they had their own starting zones.
No other races function like they did, and most are carbon-copies of another race, just with a reskin.
I actually think Kul’Tirans, Mechagnomes, and Vulpera are all pretty unique even if they’re fairly underplayed. They have what I want in a race, mostly being unique animations/rigging.
Void elves are literally just Blood elves, but on the other team.
Lightforged, Highmountain, Dark Iron, are more sub-races than standalone ones.
Mechagnomes would be in there too, but the robotic parts separate them- they aren’t just a reskin, they’re actually different.
Earthen are just a reskin of dwarves. No unique rocky textures or anything, just the same hair and everything.
Suggestion ,place on ignore or they’ll have someone to flag you for causing a scene.
Not tired at all. Always happy for new races and customizations, whatever they are. I’m sure we’ll get more drastically different races in the future, I’m okay with the stony boys :3
Except that mechagnomes can’t wear pants which makes everything they wear just look… stupid. I hate them despite having some of the best racial abilities in the game. (a mirror image spell, and passives to gain stats when you fight as well as heal yourself automatically and you can function as profession equipment.)
I wanted to like them… I made one, leveled him up, and shelved him once he hit max level. I can’t even look at him… and that is coming from an undead guy.
What makes it more exasperating is how many players ask for High Elves!
I enjoy them a lot, here’s mine.
Transmog is a challenge, yeah. It takes some mogging creativity to make it work, really.
I’ve heard people saying they won’t play undead because bones poke out of their armor and back, but I always thought it was cool.
Nice mog!
Forsaken can now change in the barber shop to have regular elbows and knees now effectively fixing capes showing the spine, and armor showing the bones.
As far as the mechagnomes, I think it is just preference for me. I love the abilities but since I am just playing casually these days, it hasn’t bothered me to shelve him for now. Perhaps when they get new customization options I may revisit him. Sitting in Stormwind… in a bar of the dwarven district… drinking his life away.
I’m hoping Midnight adds Naga instead, we don’t need anymore elves. I’m sorry but if they give us another reskin of BEs after a reskin of dwarves Blizzard’s creativity must be in the toilet and I’d probably reconsider giving them my money anymore. I however may look the other way if they give worgen optional tails and more options in general for their worgen form, maybe more fur colors and marking options for Vulpera while they’re at it
If it is going to be a recolor then they should at least give the allied race their own dance animation.
Allied races are, by and large, simply slightly changed other races. Lighforged Draenei dont even try to hide that. Highmountain Taurens either. Magh’har Orcs a third. People asked for years to get a red/brown colored Orc as a color variant and instead of giving us something woudl could pick in the barber shop, they put in a whole ‘allied’ race.
I dislike them a whole lot. If I’d been a Blizzcon, I’d have found it hard not to boo the announcement.
It’s advertised as an allied race not a new race.
Also, can you not see a dwarf is not a new race?
I was tired of it until Dracthyr were invented. Ick.