Like in the new upcoming expansion. One of the new advertised features is a new race. Which is just a dwarf with a new skin color option!
The only time a new allied race actually felt like something new was vulperas. Then dracthyr actually being a new core race.
If it’s just another elf or dwarf with a new hairstyle or skin color, why even bother?
i just want playable Hozen! 
I don’t think I’d mind them adding Ogres to the Horde using the Kul Tiran rigs, like Rexxar. Otherwise, unless we see wildly different races using the same rig (like Vulpera using the Goblin rig), I’m not too keen on anymore copy/pastes.
We got a completely new race and class this x-pack (you’re playing it) why would you expect one next x-pack? We don’t get a new race every x-pack, we never have.
Although I would prefer racial customizations to allied races.
You hate to see it
Of all the possible choices for a new playable race…
- Sethrakks
- Tuskarrs
- Nerubians
- Ogres
- High Elfs
- etc
…they went with: a recolored Dwarf

The amount of work required to put in a unique model race is insane you have to make sure all the old gear fits on them somewhat decently I assume that is the main reason they go the easy route.
I would prefer some more creative and unique races, but I understand the constraints of game development, and that the more armor WoW adds, the more it becomes prohibitively expensive to make a brand new race that wears armor.
All the 3d bits and bobs from every piece of armor that has them would have to be adjusted for the new races, and the more armor we get, the more that list grows.
Moving forward, I think getting a brand new race that can wear armor will be a very rare occurrence that will only get rarer and rarer with time. Races that share a skeleton and overall shape with older races will be the norm.
Nope. I think they should milk the existing models for all the variety they can possibly get.
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A little bit. I’m still trying to erase the thought that, “Dracthyr are copy pastas from Deviantart”.
But… not gonna lie. It’s kinda difficult.
the lady who designed dracthyrs is a deviantart furry
Your visual forms are just blood elf male and human female
Infact dracthyrs dragon forms are even bland too as both body types are the same, your transmogs are deformed like Mechagnomes when you’re in combat
And then worst of it all was the dracthyr designer just stole ideas from deviantart
I wouldn’t be talking
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Just assume all new races are reskins until you see otherwise.
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Hilarious coming from a Dracthyr.
Allied Races were a mistake; they should have just been more customization options for the core races.
it’s taken nearly 20yrs, but i’m finally bored with this game. i’ve been playing less and less lately- i went from averaging over 6500min a week to barely 500.
I’m always gonna play this toon so I’m not too bothered if I’m not interested in a new option.
Still curious about their stories tho. That’ll be fun.
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This wouldn’t be a new race, this would literally only be another reskin of the blood elven model. The other options you said sure but technically blood elves are high elves they just call themselves Blood elves in honor of those they lost while those who retained the high elf name just follow a different mind set to their kin.