I honestly hope your joking.
I see no problem whatsoever with this.
Yea, let me keep farming TK every week on 10 toons like I have for literally every year that TK has been solo-able, and not getting A’lar.
I will gladly pay for these rare drops instead if they were priced reasonably like a dollar. The mount prices and the prices of everything on the WoW shop are completely ridiculous though.
Eh, I’ll gladly tolerate optional micro-tranasactions in exchange for our new overlords “cleaning house” with firings and replacing ion/current dev team with devs that actually listen to/implement player feedback
It’s like, I don’t really care if they’re milking store mounts, micro-transactions, WoW tokens, etc… as long as the game is good
Yeah, that won’t set a terrible precedent in the future for other games.
/nods his head in approval as he munches on a cookie
ESO seems to be okay why won’t wow be okay. you guys crack me up with the stuff that comes out of your mouth. cod and king are fine they ain’t changing whats working. i have a feeling wow might get better when they actually have to work at blizz.
Exactly this. I use skins in Minecraft that I made.
Collecting is the game.
What you’re saying i like me saying “I don’t care if they charge a premium to raiders for every pull in current content”
I do hope Ion gets replaced as Game Director… He is great at dungeon design, terrible track record as Game Director. Should have resigned at the end of BFA in my opinion.
The Dev Team has very little to do but follow the game director’s decisions.
ms dont listen to no one , they do what they want they going to destroy the game it all about money
Not sure what this will mean but nothing good.
Get ready for Warcraft IV and WoW II, but here’s the catch, they’ll probably be on consoles.
StarCraft 3…When was the last good RTS game?
Aye… perhaps I made a mistake including the grunt-worker, ground-level devs in my comment. You are right, they are “just following orders” from above them - it’s not their fault.
But yeah, pretty safe to say that ion’s gotta go, and most players seem to agree. He’s got 2 bad expansions under his belt and mostly dodges/lawyer-talks/BSes his way out of “the hard questions” regarding core game issues that players genuinely care about.
It’s time for a good ole’ shakeup of personnel, and the head-honcho “big guy” is a good place to start.
Java Edition still exists, its still being updated, and has a massive modding scene that’s comparable to Elder Scrolls games. Even when the day comes that they stop updating Java in favor of Bedrock Edition, the modders will continue to develop for it as they always have.
nods I went through all that long ago and had played off and on for a while, but more recently it won’t let me play any version of the game. Maybe I was just having a brain cramp and missed something obvious, but it reached my frustration threshold where I just threw up my hands and uninstalled.
(thanks for the suggestion though)
The rule holds up: If Clark thinks this is a bad idea, it’s probably means it’s a good idea for the majority of players.
Does this mean I can get Minecraft: WoW edition? Think of what the mod makers could do with that.
If you are trying to get the PC version running, you may need to check what version of Java you are running. Honestly I would do a full uninstall and then get one of the various “installer” apps out there. Then you can tell it what version of Minecraft you want to play and it will select the correct version of Java and do all the installation for you.