Final Fantasy would like a word
Nobody does things long term anymore.
That actually requires trust which is in very short supply right now.
Truth hurts. U mad bro?
Been gaming since Pong. You were probably not even an Evil spark in anyones Eye…yet. You keep saying “Dead game” and it’s not even released.
Still waiting for your proof of Pay To Win…Where is it?
Or are you only typing to keep your Epeen in check as with most people just like you since I’ve been here from Beta 2004 on?
Our conversation is done Troll because…
Arguing with Stupid People is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, sh^t on the board and strut around like it has won.
WoW pioneered MMO monetization. Unfortunately it’s industry standard now to completely milk your customers like you don’t give two fks about them.
HAHA Perfect Analogy of Forum Trolls. Love it!
So someone who disagrees with you is a troll? So are they not selling boosts for leveling and trade skills?
not yet but they will asap and then who knows what else theyll add.
You did not Disagree, you stated a False Opinion not based on Facts. Also…WoW is guilty of P2W if we all want to go there. lol
I don’t know much about New World but it does look interesting. Time will tell.
So then the “false opinion” of them selling leveling boosts and trade skills being a bad thing is incorrect?
and I already completely disagree with boosts in any form. I was against the boost in TBC and it has completely destroyed faction balance. You don’t have to convince me that blizzard is screwing the pooch.
LOL this is the most corporate doublespeak garbage I have ever seen. can you buy advantages in this stupid MMO or not.
why are you so invested in this amazon MMO
and that is a contributor to why the game is falling off.
Who said anything about investments? My Stocks are investments. Has nothing to do with this topic.
Who are you that’s so important btw?
I meant more emotionally invested, which you clearly are. It’s a little odd.
Lmao, calling out shills never gets old.
I correct Misinformation the best I can when I see it and if I know the actual Facts. No matter what Game. Hope that helps.
ah I see. so you would be this emotionally invested about anyone spreading misinformation about ANY game. ok
So you’re not going to correct the “misinformation” of level and profession boosts being in the game?
Emotion has nothing to do with it. Nice Passive-Aggressive try thou. Have a good day.