Anyone taking a break from TBC to try New world?

There’s something very wrong with people on here, I’ve noticed.


You have very strong observational skills.


There is a link above in which the person posted for you. Did you skip it or just didn’t care to read it and pressing on your agenda?

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Grr, you better not be lying abou the game that isn’t the game this forum is dedicated to!

@Rezlack You must really be a Rock living under another Rock.
Play NW or don’t. But stop typing misinformation about something you have no clue over.

So they did change their stance on the boosts for profs and leveling. Guess im mistaken. Didn’t bother reading the other persons post because they vomit shill and are extremely abrasive so didn’t care to read what they posted.

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So in that case this entire Topic is Null and Void right?

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hey look another shill who thinks the game wont be based around its cash shop XD


no they didnt, they just arent gonna do it at launch. there was an interview to where its still planned a few months after release.

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Hi Rezlack Alt.

How is FF14?

So when I legit just admit to being wrong and someone provides me with more information without a source it must be my alt? Are you serious?

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hi furry shill :slight_smile:

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Link please? Kthx.

I wonder if it ever occurs to folks like this that people might choose to do things they want to do.

But, nah, instead it’s, “Imma make a thread about taking a break…”

And you know the OP was imagining this was going to be a “…and everybody clapped…” situation.

It’s like, “Gee, I never really thought of not playing this game, but you have opened my eyes!”

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im not gonna do your homework for ya :slight_smile:

Thought so…A Troll. LOL Carry on.

what is the new world beta?

I mean if you want me to hate the game again perhaps providing the source is a good thing? Im not going to be listening to you without evidence.

“It’s your job to do the research on my claims.”
